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Abstract:The subject for the cdaaronsideration in the article is idioms with the component “man” in English, Russian and Mongolian language views of the world. The purpose of this article is to examine the similarities and differences in the system of images included in the phraseological units with the component “man” in English, Russian and Mongolian. The main task to achieve this goal is to analyze the nature of the correlation of fragments of reality verbalized in idioms with cultural codes, based on which the coding of cultural components in idiomatic funds of the studied languages is carried out. The analysis is based on the linguocultural approach to the study of phraseological materials formulated by V.N. Telia. As a result of interlanguage comparison of phraseological units, the correlation of idioms with cultural codes in the considered language pictures of the world (including the fragments of professional –religious, military, etc. discourses) is established. Similarities and differences of different cultural perceptions in the language view of the world are revealed.
Товч агуулга: Our study investigates the English phoneme /f/production among two cohorts comprising 41 intermediate- level Mongolian students. We focus on formants 1 and 2 of the /f/ phoneme, specifically examining intermediate students at the School of Arts and Sciences of the National University of Mongolia (NUM). We apply Bulgantamir S.'s theoretical framework for formant classification. The selection of words featuring the "f" phoneme is based on their contextual positions within the research parameters. Utilizing the spectrogram PRAAT method, our experimental phonetics research explores/f/ phoneme production among Mongolian students. Through this analysis, we aim to contribute valuable insights into the articulatory patterns of intermediate-level students in a non-native English phonetic context. Түлхүүр үг: спектрограмм бичлэгийн (Праат) арга, авиалбар, гийгүүлэгч, формант
Abstract: This study investigates how frequently English words and expressions are used in diverse everyday contexts by high school students in Mongolia. There have been questions raised about how the introduction of foreign languages would affect the preservation of the Mongolian language. Our study involved 261 students from 10th,11th, and 12th grades, with a focus on their daily use of English words. A consistent and widespread utilization of English words and expressions, both in spoken interactions and online engagements has been observed in our findings. The study categorizes the language patterns into different groups, defining specific contexts such as gaming, online communication, and face-to-face interactions at school and other places. Furthermore, the study identifies various language use patterns among different levels, providing insights into the students’ linguistic preferences and priorities. It enables us to understand more about how English words and expressions are used in the everyday communication of high school students, making it useful for teachers and researchers who want to understand language changes among high school students.
: The subject for the consideration in the article is idioms with the component “day & night” in English, Russian and Mongolian language views of the world. The purpose of this article is to examine the similarities and differences in the system of images included in the phraseological units with the component “day & night” in English, Russian and Mongolian. The main task to achieve this goal is to analyze the nature of the correlation of fragments of reality verbalized in idioms with cultural codes, based on which the coding of cultural components in idiomatic funds of the studied languages is carried out. The analysis is based on the linguocultural approach to the study of phraseological materials formulated by V.N. Telia. As a result of interlanguage comparison of phraseological units, the correlation of idioms with cultural codes in the considered language pictures of the world (including the fragments of professional – religious, military, etc. discourses) is established. Similarities and differences of different cultural perceptions in the language view of the world are revealed.
Топонимия является важным источником информации о восприятии и концептуализации человеком физического пространства, что делает топонимы исключительно важным материалом для когнитивных наук. Данная статья стремится расширить междисциплинарные исследования в области топономастики путем изучения закономерностей использования цветообозначений как составных элементов географических названий. Материал исследования извлечен из базы данных, включающей 214 805 топонимов, относящихся к территории Монголии. Из этого массива по определенному алгоритму были отобраны топонимы, содержащие цветовые обозначения — как основные, так и дополнительные, после чего результаты сопоставлялись с предшествующими работами по топонимии других стран и регионов. Основные результаты исследования можно свести к следующим трем наблюдениям. 1. Наиболее частотные указания на цвета, встречающиеся в монгольской топонимии (а именно ‘черный’, ‘белый’ и ‘красный’), идентичны цветовым обозначениям, которые чаще всего встречаются в топонимии других территорий, если судить по имеющимся в научной литературе данным. Этот феномен требует объяснения, основывающегося на универсальных когнитивных механизмах цветового восприятия и, соответственно, развития цветовой терминологии. 2. Цветообозначения чаще встречаются в топонимии степных и пустынных районов Монголии, а не в топонимии областей с континентальным климатом, что может быть объяснено особенностями ландшафта этих двух географических зон и универсальными когнитивными механизмами топономинации. Вместе с тем было выяснено, что независимо от региона и ландшафтно-климатических особенностей местности в топонимии Монголии используется единый набор цветовых терминов. 3. В типологическом отношении топонимия Монголии обнаруживает культурно- специфическую особенность, связанную с широким использованием цветовых терминов, изначально предназначенных для описания оттенков шерсти животных, что может объясняться влиянием кочевого образа жизни и скотоводства на культуру монголов и на систему цветовой терминологии. Изучение цветообозначений как элементов географических названий расширяет наше понимание когнитивных механизмов номинации географических объектов и по-своему дополняет когнитивные исследования в области восприятия и концептуализации цвета.
Abstract: The Education Evaluation Center of Mongolia has conducted the General Entrance Examination of Mongolia since 2006. The General Entrance Examination assesses high school graduates' basic knowledge of a subject and aptitude. The subjects, namely mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, the English language, the Russian language, social science, and history, are chosen to be taken by high school graduates. However, it has become mandatory for each student to take the Mongolian language exam since 2013. The English Entrance Examination is developed with four variants to assess the examinee's knowledge based on general learning analysis within the framework of the content of the improved curriculum of the English language course. We conducted a study on analyzing the structure of the English vocabulary test and the performance errors of the 12th-grade students at a Mongolian high school to assist high school graduates in preparing for the English Entrance Examination Vocabulary test. Regarding writing test items, four cognitive levels are constantly used, namely, remembering, understanding, applying, and analyzing. The applying and analyzing levels are used at the same ratio. The understanding level was applied the most, whereas the remembering level was used the least. Moreover, nouns are commonly used for writing vocabulary test items. Finally, the mock test results were discussed, and a conclusion was drawn. Keywords: English vocabulary test items, Bloom’s taxonomy, blueprint, performance errors
The present research study aimed to analyze the English phoneme /r/ production by a cohort of 12 Mongolian intermediate-level students. In this respect, we investigated formants 1 and 2 of the /r/ phoneme produced by the intermediate students of the School of Arts and Sciences at NUM. The theoretical classification of the formants devised by Bulgantamir S. was applied in our study. We chose “r” phoneme words based on their positions in the study. In particular, we utilized ten types of “r” phoneme combinations, namely, r+ front, long, close vowel, r+ front, short, close vowel, r+ front, short, mid vowel, r+ back, long, mid vowel, r+ central, short, open vowel, r+ diphthong, plosive, velar consonant + r, fricative, labiodental consonant + r, plosive, bilabial consonant + r, and plosive, alveolar consonant + r. Specifically, we aimed to identify the /r/ phoneme pronunciation errors. The findings demonstrated that the source of students' errors could be explained by interlingual transfers. Furthermore, we wrote a recommendation for the students to improve their pronunciation.
ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: The present research aims to analyze English reading comprehension tests of the Mongolian General Entrance Examination in 2018-2021. For its framework for analysis, the research focuses on types, number of words, topics and items of the English reading comprehension tests and performance errors of 37133 examinees. KEY WORDS: types, topics, items, performance errors
: The subject for the consideration in the article is idioms with the component “white & black” in English, Russian and Mongolian language views of the world. The purpose of this article is to examine the similarities and differences in the system of images included in the phraseological units with the component “white & black” in English, Russian and Mongolian. The main task to achieve this goal is to analyze the nature of the correlation of fragments of reality verbalized in idioms with cultural codes, based on which the coding of cultural components in idiomatic funds of the studied languages is carried out. The analysis is based on the linguocultural approach to the study of phraseological materials formulated by V.N. Telia. As a result of interlanguage comparison of phraseological units, the correlation of idioms with cultural codes in the considered language pictures of the world (including the fragments of professional – religious, military, etc. discourses) is established. Similarities and differences of different cultural perceptions in the language view of the world are revealed.
The subject for the consideration in the article is idioms with the component “white & black” in English, Russian and Mongolian language views of the world. The purpose of this article is to examine the similarities and differences in the system of images included in the phraseological units with the component “white & black” in English, Russian and Mongolian. The main task to achieve this goal is to analyze the nature of the correlation of fragments of reality verbalized in idioms with cultural codes, based on which the coding of cultural components in idiomatic funds of the studied languages is carried out. The analysis is based on the linguocultural approach to the study of phraseological materials formulated by V.N. Telia. As a result of interlanguage comparison of phraseological units, the correlation of idioms with cultural codes in the considered language pictures of the world (including the fragments of professional – religious, military, etc. discourses) is established. Similarities and differences of different cultural perceptions in the language view of the world are revealed.
The purpose of the present research study was to carry out an error analysis on the English vowel production by a cohort consists of 94 Mongolian intermediate level students. In this respect, we investigated the errors in a corpus of 94 versions of the speech produced by the intermediate students of the School of Arts and Sciences at NUM. All the errors related to the English vowel production in this article were identified, described, explained and evaluated according to Heidi Dulay, Marina Burt and Stephen Krashen’s taxonomy. Specifically, we aimed to identify the source of the errors. The findings demonstrated that the source of students' errors could be explained by interlingual and intralingual transfers. Furthermore, we wrote a recommendation for the students to improve their pronunciation.
АННОТАЦИЯ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ: Настоящее исследование направлено на анализ наиболее частых лингвистических ошибок в английских глагольных фразах, написанных 80 монгольскими студентами, и на выявление соответствующих источников ошибок. В рамках анализа в исследовании используются ошибки глагольных фраз, которые классифицируются в соответствии с таксономией Кордера на четыре основные категории: пропуск, добавление, подстановка и перестановка. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ: анализ ошибок, глагольные фразы, главные глаголы, вспомогательные глаголы ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: The present study aims to analyze the most frequent linguistic errors of English verb phrases written by 80 Mongolian students and identify the relevant source of errors. For its framework for analysis, the study draws on verb phrase errors which are classified according to Corder’s taxonomy into four main categories: omission, addition, substitution, and permutation. KEY WORDS: error analysis, verb phrases, main verbs, auxiliary verbs
The present study aims to analyze the most frequent linguistic errors of English noun phrases written by 95 Mongolian students, and identify the relevant source of errors. For its framework for analysis, the study draws on noun phrase errors which are classified according to Corder’s taxonomy into four main categories: omission, addition, substitution and permutation.
The purpose of the present research study was to carry out an error analysis on the English noun phrase translation. In this respect, we investigated the errors in a corpus of 8 versions of mini tests translated by 16 intermediate students of the School of Arts and Sciences at NUM. The instrument used for this study was students’ noun phrase translations in the English language. All the errors related to the noun phrase in this article were identified, described, explained and evaluated according to Stephen Pit Corder’s taxonomy. Specifically, we aimed to identify the source of the errors. The findings demonstrated that the source of students' errors could be explained by interlingual and intralingual transfers. Furthermore, we wrote a recommendation for the students to refine their language proficiency.
The subject for consideration in the article is somatic idioms with the component “finger” in English, Russian and Mongolian language views of the world. The purpose of this article is to examine the similarities and differences in the system of images included in the phraseological units with the component “finger” in English, Russian and Mongolian. The main task to achieve this goal is to analyze the nature of the correlation of fragments of reality verbalized in idioms with cultural codes, based on which the coding of cultural components in idiomatic funds of the studied languages is carried out. The analysis is based on the linguocultural approach to the study of phraseological materials formulated by V.N. Telia. As a result of interlanguage comparison of phraseological units, the correlation of idioms with cultural codes in the considered language pictures of the world (including the fragments of professional – religious, military, etc. discourses) is established. Similarities and differences of different cultural perceptions in the language view of the world are revealed.
ABSTRACT.In the article we consider an issue of vocative words of the modern Mongolian language. In the first part the vocative forms of the modern Mongolian language are explained on the basis of proper nouns. The way of calling personal names and differences of calling forms and semantics are discussed. In the second part we examine whether the vocative case exists in the modern Mongolian language. Finally, our conclusion is introduced.
The present study aimed to analyze types of grammatical structures used in the English Language Entrance Examination of Mongolia from 2016 to 2018. For its framework for analysis, 195 grammar items of test versions which were used in the English language test of General Entrance Examination were utilized. The relevant grammar items were collected, identified, classified and evaluated.