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Fake news poses a serious threat to information flows and trust in journalism. In the context of Mongolia, as in many other countries, the issue of fake news is becoming increasingly relevant. This article examines the key aspects of this problem in Mongolian journalism, its causes, consequences, and possible solutions.
The article provides a historical-genetic and comparative analysis of foreign broadcasting. In the chronotopic aspect the advanced experience of foreign countries (Germany, England, Russia, China, USA) is compared with the peculiarities of the formation of foreign broadcasting in Mongolia. The impact of new information communication technologies on the international broadcasting is researched. Based on the results of the study, the conclusion is made that at the first stage of its development, foreign broadcasting was not an instrument of foreign policy and rather contributed to the cultural enrichment and support of its compatriots in other countries.
In the 1990s, when the social and political system fundamentally changed from a socialist system to a democratic system, Mongolian society as a whole was in turmoil. This social and contemporary situation became an important factor in fundamentally changing the media’s activities, articles, programs, and content. Also, from this period, the characters of sexual minorities were introduced in Mongolian feature films. But mostly gay people were portrayed in a negative light. Also, there was not much news and information on this topic. However, in recent years, information about the LGBTIQ community has been widely disseminated in media and social media in Mongolia. In this way, conditions were created to obtain relatively balanced information about sexual minorities in the public. Since 1992, we have conducted qualitative and quantitative research on the representation of LGBTQI+ individuals in Mongolian media articles and programs. As part of content quality research, We aimed to determine the prevalence of positive, negative, and neutral attitudes towards LGBTQI+ individuals. and what changes are occurring in the content of articles and programs about LGBTQI+. There are not many articles and programs on the above topic. As part of our research, we have quantified the frequency of media coverage of LGBTQI+ topics. Additionally, we distributed a questionnaire to assess the media’s position and information policy. We also met with people known as sexual minorities and studied through interviews how they receive information about LGBTQI people in Mongolia through the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Corruption is a complex phenomenon that affects all levels of society. Therefore, it is more effective to take joint measures by every sector of society, such as government organizations, private sector, civil society, media, etc. Journalists can become witnesses of the events taking place in various spheres of social life and contribute to the fight against corruption by demanding accountability and transparency from both the public and private sectors. In a study analyzing information on corruption published in six daily newspapers and ten high-access news websites in 2018, 2020, and 2022, recommendations were made for media organizations to consider when reporting on corruption. Frame analysis was used as the theoretical basis of the research work, focusing on Iyengar’s thematic and episodic approaches to clarify which causal explanations of corruption, moral evaluation, or recommendations to reduce corruption prevail.
The article is devoted to the historical evolution of Mongolian movies. This article tried to categorize and define general characteristics and development phases of Mongolian films. It also analyzed the current situation and mentioned some cases of collaborations between Mongolian and foreign filmmakers and artists.
Corruption is a complex phenomenon that affects all levels of society. Therefore, it is more effective to take joint measures by every sector of society, such as government organizations, private sector, civil society, media, etc. Journalists can become witnesses of the events taking place in various spheres of social life and contribute to the fight against corruption by demanding accountability and transparency from both the public and private sectors. In a study analyzing information on corruption published in six daily newspapers and ten high-access news websites in 2018, 2020, and 2022, recommendations were made for media organizations to consider when reporting on corruption. Frame analysis was used as the theoretical basis of the research work, focusing on Iyengar's thematic and episodic approaches to clarify which causal explanations of corruption, moral evaluation, or recommendations to reduce corruption prevail. The frame method is a research tool that selects details in the media to emphasize certain aspects of an issue and specific causes of some issue, defining how the problem is told and organized. The receiver of the information answers questions given in the scheme, including identifying and diagnosing problems, determining the source and cause, making a decision, and justifying the solution to the problem.
All forms of human communication are rapidly transitioning to digital. Due to the development of modern digital technology, the process of information transfer is accelerating and expanding. In this age of universal digitalization, we are fascinated by the evolution of nomadic cultural expression in this age, being one of the world’s dozens of “dying” cultures. Being some of the world’s first known types of civilization, nomads have a unique perspective that has endured to this day. The flow of news within the nomadic community is carried throughout the entire province through the oral recounts of the nomadic missionary (Badarchin) who travels frequently listening and spreading stories. This has always been the nomadic way of communicating news and current affairs. The purpose of this study is to explore how today’s digital technology is influencing this way of life. Human information communication preference varies depending on cultural characteristics. Nomadic information communication culture is unique to what we are used to in a modern era of advanced technology. In the presence of all the new forms of communication. They have a rich history and tradition in preserving information using stories. We are interested in whether nomads are maintaining their traditional forms of communication in the face of the strong influx of modern digital communication technologies. In this study, we focus on the impact of digital information and communication technologies on the oral tradition culture of Mongolian nomads, known as the last home of nomads.
The IAMCR pre-conference theme “digital governance and transcultural communication” provides an opportunity to examine how social and digital media communication transform and transverse policies and practices among Mongolian young people, the “digital have nots” in the global south. Social media have become a major source of information for many Mongolians. The relatively young population of the country is responsive to news and information on platforms like Facebook, which alarmingly accounts for 65-70 percent of online activities according to Global Stats (2019). Over the last couple of decades, Mongolia has dramatically increased digital access for its small population of 3.2 million: the number of users of mobile phones reached 3.8 million, the Internet 2.91 million, and Facebook 2.1 million respectively in 2020. Elites, as well the public, are increasingly fascinated with potentials and affordances of social media with little understanding of “algorithmic ideology” (Woolley & Howard, 2016) and ideological biases on social media.
The IAMCR pre-conference theme “digital governance and transcultural communication” provides an opportunity to examine how social and digital media communication transform and transverse policies and practices among Mongolian young people, the “digital have nots” in the global south. Social media have become a major source of information for many Mongolians. The relatively young population of the country is responsive to news and information on platforms like Facebook, which alarmingly accounts for 65-70 percent of online activities according to Global Stats (2019). Over the last couple of decades, Mongolia has dramatically increased digital access for its small population of 3.2 million: the number of users of mobile phones reached 3.8 million, the Internet 2.91 million, and Facebook 2.1 million respectively in 2020. Elites, as well the public, are increasingly fascinated with potentials and affordances of social media with little understanding of “algorithmic ideology” (Woolley & Howard, 2016) and ideological biases on social media.
. The article discusses the experience of duplicating foreign films by the Mongolian national television. It also describes the main stages of film duplication and reports on the editorial staff of film programs, which is of historical value.
The article is about essence and problems of economic journalism. The author points out economic journalism from the general theory of journalism, enumerates aspects of studying journalism, gives definition to economic journalism and defines subject, object of economic journalism. Also, author listed the competences of an economic journalist.
В статье рассматривается специфика иновещания Монголии. Описывается история и общая характеристика мирового иновещания, анализируется нынешнее состояние радиостанции “Голос Монголии”.
В статье автор затрагивает вопросы о развитии телефильма. Также, в данной статье автор описывает специфику продвижения товаров и услуг в телевизионных сериалах, которая сыграет ключевую роль в развитии монгольского телесериала. Понятие продакт плейсмент возникло в США в начале 30-х годов. Но к этому методу относительно недавно начали обратить внимание творческие группы монгольских телеканалов.
Зохиогч энэ өгүүлэлд Монгол Улсад үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг хүйн радиогийн (community radio) өнөөгийн байдлыг хөнджээ. Радиог өмчийн хувьд төрийн, олон нийтийн, арилжааны, хүйн гэж ангилдаг. Хүйн радио нь хязгаарлагдмал хүрээнд нэвтрүүлгээ дамжуулах хүчин чадалтай тоног төхөөрөмж ашигладаг, тухайн орон нутгийн оршин суугчдын ахуй, амьдралд тулгарч байгаа асуудлыг хөндсөн нэвтрүүлэг дамжуулдаг онцлогтой. Хүйн радиог НҮБ-ын харьяа Соёл Шинжлэх Ухааны Байгууллага ЮНЕСКО дэмждэг бөгөөд дэлхийн олон улсад ийм хэлбэрийн радио үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг. Монгол Улсад 2011 онд хүйн радиог анх байгуулжээ. Гэвч манай Монгол Улсад хүйн радиогийн эрх зүйн асуудал нь бүрэн шийдэгдээгүй байгааг зохиогч онцлон тэмдэглэсэн байна.