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Summary: This article examines the importance of media or channels in mass communication, including political relations (PR). Mongolian politicians use a variety of channels in their information communication and the effectiveness of the format of the content offered by the channel to create a feedback relationship with the target audience was discussed on the example of the short video format (reels) of the Instagram social network platform. In doing so, the importance of channels in information communication is explained based on communication theories and models. Keywords: political communication, PR, channel, user, effect, Instagram, reels, communication theory, communication model.
Энэхүү хурлын зорилго нь Монголын хэвлэл мэдээллийн салбарын өнөөгийн байдал, ололт, дутагдал, хөгжлийн чиг хандлагын талаар салбарын судлаачид судалгаа, санал бодлоо солилцож, сэтгүүл зүйн салбарт тулгарч буй сорилт, шинэ боломж, сэтгүүл зүйн боловсролын өнөөгийн байдалд үнэлэлт дүгнэлт өгч, олон нийтэд түгээн дэлгэрүүлэх, салбарын судлаачдын хамтын ажиллагааг өргөжүүлэхэд оршино.
ABSTRACT Data journalism is expanding globally as a response to big data being collected and shared everywhere by various institutions. News media organizations and journalists examine datasets in their practice of information gathering, sense-making, and storytelling. Mongolian journalists are trying to catch up with this movement to provide more comprehensive reporting based on facts. However, there is lack of research on development of this new direction in Mongolia. This study aims to explore development of data journalism initiatives in Mongolia. Applying Roger’s [1] theory of diffusion of innovations, we explored data journalism development in Mongolia with five attributes: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. We conducted qualitative interviews with 15 professional journalists, educators, and representatives from government and non-profit organizations in October – November, 2019. The preliminary findings of this study will be presented. Keywords: data journalism, data, visualization INTRODUCTION Data journalism is a trendy topic in newsrooms around the world. This catchy term implies that traditional journalistic practice is enhanced with more sophisticated data analysis, employing machine learning, artificial intelligence, programming and visualization techniques. The majority of studies on data journalism development are conducted in North American and European context. Cases from elite newsrooms, such as The New York Times or The Guardian are setting up the examples of data journalism. Scholars argue that these prestigious examples cannot represent the actual situation with data journalism in many other countries. Mongolia is among the less explored countries in this area. Addressing data journalism as an emerging phenomenon of innovation in Mongolia, we explore it with Everett Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation theory. [1] Rogers defined an innovation is an “idea, practice or object that is perceived as new” by those facing the decision to adopt it. Its diffusion can be understood as the “process through which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system.” (p.12) The innovation itself deserves attention when identifying what might facilitate or impede its diffusion. According to Rogers, the perceived attributes of an innovation influence the speed of its adoption. The adopters will be able to embrace innovations that are perceived as possessing the following five attributes: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. The relative advantage is “the degree to which an innovation is perceived as being better than what it supersedes” (p. 257). Potential adopters of data journalism must know how compatible this field is to “existing journalistic values, past experiences and their own needs.” (p.258) The perceived difficulty to understand and use the innovation is a third key factor. Trialability deals with the degree to which an innovation may be experimented on a limited basis. Observability is reflected in with “the degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others” (p. 250). Research goal: This study aims to explore development of data journalism initiatives in Mongolia, employing Roger’s Theory of Diffusion of Innovations. The research questions are: RQ1. What are the perceptions of data journalism by various stakeholders? RQ2. What is the current status of data journalism development in Mongolia? RQ3. What are the main challenges facing data journalism development in the country? RQ4. How are the Mongolian journalists trained or being prepared to keep up with data journalism? RESEARCH METHOD We conducted in-depth interviews with 15 representatives of “early adopters” [1], who are leading the data journalism initiatives in the country. (Table 1) Purposeful sampling was used to conduct grounded-theory approach in qualitative data analysis. Qualitative data collection was finished when saturation of data happened based on the responses of interviewees about their knowledge and experiences in data journalism area. Glaser and Strauss (1967) [2] characterized this point as one of theoretical saturation, which refers to the (non)emergence of new properties, categories, or relationships. Data collection took place from October to November, 2019 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Interview sessions were conducted at the office of the respective respondents or in public places, such as coffee shop.
Abstract In this paper, the authors emphasize the importance of the role of the media in improving the self-regulation of Mongolian journalism ethics. The criterion for assessing the quality of the editorial-level code were developed based on the role of the editorial-level code of ethics, the strengths and weaknesses of the editorial code, and the factors to be considered in its development. Within the framework of that criterion, an analysis of the editorial code of ethics of the Mongolian media was conducted. Furthermore, a survey of journalists also highlighted the focus on journalism ethics at the editorial level. As we hypothesized, our research shows that the Mongolian media outlets does not pay enough attention to ethical issues at the editorial level. Keywords: journalism ethics, self-regulation, criterion for editorial-level codes, role of the professional code of ethics, editorial level codes.
In this article, the author explains the principle of harm reduction, which is one of the basic principles of journalistic ethics. In doing so, two cases of journalism in the United States and one case in Mongolia related to the principle of harm reduction were analyzed. Journalism has a duty to report the truth, but it can be abdicated if it harms someone's life. Also, in order to reduce the harm, it is necessary to be humane and sensitive when reporting events and communicating with sources.
The IAMCR pre-conference theme “digital governance and transcultural communication” provides an opportunity to examine how social and digital media communication transform and transverse policies and practices among Mongolian young people, the “digital have nots” in the global south. Social media have become a major source of information for many Mongolians. The relatively young population of the country is responsive to news and information on platforms like Facebook, which alarmingly accounts for 65-70 percent of online activities according to Global Stats (2019). Over the last couple of decades, Mongolia has dramatically increased digital access for its small population of 3.2 million: the number of users of mobile phones reached 3.8 million, the Internet 2.91 million, and Facebook 2.1 million respectively in 2020. Elites, as well the public, are increasingly fascinated with potentials and affordances of social media with little understanding of “algorithmic ideology” (Woolley & Howard, 2016) and ideological biases on social media.
The IAMCR pre-conference theme “digital governance and transcultural communication” provides an opportunity to examine how social and digital media communication transform and transverse policies and practices among Mongolian young people, the “digital have nots” in the global south. Social media have become a major source of information for many Mongolians. The relatively young population of the country is responsive to news and information on platforms like Facebook, which alarmingly accounts for 65-70 percent of online activities according to Global Stats (2019). Over the last couple of decades, Mongolia has dramatically increased digital access for its small population of 3.2 million: the number of users of mobile phones reached 3.8 million, the Internet 2.91 million, and Facebook 2.1 million respectively in 2020. Elites, as well the public, are increasingly fascinated with potentials and affordances of social media with little understanding of “algorithmic ideology” (Woolley & Howard, 2016) and ideological biases on social media.
In this article, the author aims to explain in theory and practice the principle of seeking and reporting the truth, which is the basic principle of journalism ethics. The author explained the concepts of accountability and honesty in order to report the truth. It also analyzes classic cases of ethics related to reporting truths. Finally, a sample of how the international press incorporated this principle into its code of ethics was presented, with review questions to verify its accuracy.
Сэтгүүлч мэргэжлийн ёс зүйн үндсэн зургаан зарчмын нэг болох заль мэх, төөрөгдүүлэлт, худал ташаа аргыг ашиглахгүй байх зарчмыг гадаад болон Монголын кэйсүүд дээр танилцуулж, эдгээр зарчмыг хэрэгжүүлэх заавар, зөвлөмжийг санал болгосон.
Энэхүү өгүүлэлд зохиогчид мэдээллийн ил тод байдал ба нээлттэй өгөгдлийн сэтгүүл зүйн салбар болон нийгэмд үзүүлж буй ач холбогдлын талаар авч үзсэн. Ингэхдээ төрийн өмчит уул уурхайн компаниудын дагаж мөрдөх ёстой Шилэн дансны тухай хуулийн хэрэгжилт, тэдний мэдээллийн ил тод байдлын тухай нарийвчлан авч үзэв. Компаниуд шилэн дансаа бүрэн бүтэн хөтөлсөн эсэх, сонгосон компанийн шилэн дансанд оруулж буй мэдээлэл нь хуулийн шаардлага хийгээд нээлттэй өгөгдөлд тавих стандартыг хангасан эсэхийг тодорхой шалгууруудаар тогтоож, цаашид шилэн дансны хуулийг сайжруулах асуудлаар санал зөвлөмж тусгасан.
Data journalism is expanding globally as a response to big data being collected and shared everywhere by various institutions. News media organizations and journalists examine datasets in their practice of information gathering, sense-making, and storytelling. Mongolian journalists are trying to catch up with this movement to provide more comprehensive reporting based on facts. However, there is lack of research on development of this new direction in Mongolia. This study aims to explore development of data journalism initiatives in Mongolia. Applying Roger’s theory of diffusion of innovations, we explored data journalism development in Mongolia with five attributes: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. We conducted qualitative interviews with 15 professional journalists, educators, and government officials in October – November, 2019. The preliminary findings of this study will be presented.
Дэлхийн олон орны адил Монгол Улс ч сошиал медиагийн нөлөөгөөр үнэний дараах эринд шилжлээ. Хуурамч мэдээлэл тархах үзэгдэл гаарч, гүтгэлэг, доромжлол хувь хүмүүс хийгээд байгууллагууд, нийгмийн бүлгүүдийг хохироож, олон нийтийн санаа бодолд нөлөөлөл чухал хүчин зүйл боллоо. Энэ үзэгдэл сэтгүүл зүйн салбар хийгээд олон нийтийн хэвлэл мэдээллийн боловсролыг сорьж, тэдний сонголт шийдвэрт нөлөөлж байна. Харин Монголын нийгмийн сүлжээн дэх хуурамч мэдээний үр нөлөөг өргөн хүрээнд судалсан тохиолдол үгүй бөгөөд төр засгаас үүнтэй тэмцэх нь удаан байна. Энэхүү судалгааны ажил нь Монголын фэйсбүүк сүлжээгээр тархаж буй хуурамч мэдээллүүдэд анализ хийж, үр нөлөөг тодруулахыг зорив. Гурван сарын хугацаанд тус сүлжээгээр тархсан хуурамч мэдээллүүдийг цуглуулж, хуурамч болохыг баталгаажуулав. 200 орчим хуурамч мэдээний сэдэв агуулга, хэлбэр, түгээгдсэн байдалд шинжлэв. Мөн тэдгээр хуурамч мэдээллүүд нь нийгэм цаг үеийн асуудлуудтай хэрхэн холбогдож байна, ямар зорилгоор түгээгдэж байна, олон нийт түүнийг хэрхэн хүлээж авч байна, хэвлэл мэдээллийн хэрэгслүүд энэ талаар хэрхэн мэдээлэв зэрэг асуудлуудад хариулж, үр нөлөөг тодруулахыг оролдлоо.