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This article examines the understanding and awareness of the rights of employers and employees, provided for in the relevant law, to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace of public servants and create an environment that is intolerant of sexual harassment in the workplace, as well as the understanding and knowledge of public administration workers about sexual harassment in the workplace and sexual harassment in the workplace were considered relevant to actions. It also considers public administrative employees were subjected to any act of sexual harassment in the workplace, whether they filed a complaint or reported to anyone, and received suggestions and recommendations addressed to public organizations, employers and employees in the context of preventing and creating an environment of absolute zero tolerance for sexual harassment in the workplace
This article discusses the origin and development of evidence-based social work, theoretical foundations, practical significance of evidence-based social work, and how to implement it. A theoretical perspective on key aspects of evidence-based social work, challenges in evidence-based social work, and five steps to practice evidence-based social work are discussed.
Inspired by the conceptual frame of reference of Appadurai (2004), this study explores how public administrative officers can make formal resources available and accessible for ger residents while recognizing the ‘capacity to aspire’ among migrant ger residents in the Tahilt area of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. We argue that building people’s capacity to aspire, consisting of (1) internal efforts to (2) consensus building, resulting in (3) practices of voice being heard, and (4) bottom up collaborations between public administrative officers and residents, represents a strategy towards alleviating difficulties encountered in the new urban space collectively. The ethnographic findings of this study illustrate inaccessibility of formal resources, spatiality and aspirations in an effort to incorporate residents’ voices for more collaboration. The paper calls for public administrative officers, such as public administrative officials, planners and social workers, to negotiate between policy objectives and ger residents’ agency, so that the capacity to aspire is nurtured for a collaborative culture.
Thisl paper was prepared in 2021 by Korea's KOICA International Organization and the implementing United Nations Development Program based on the results of the "Public Perceptions of Women's Participation at the Decision-Making Level" survey.
Social workers are facing major ethical challenges due to the curfew measures imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which have brought unprecedented changes to the daily life of vulnerable populations. These challenges include increased demand for services, limited resources, balancing personal safety with providing in-person support, and navigating issues related to confidentiality and informed consent. It is crucial to identify and address these challenges to ensure the continuous development of social work professionals in Mongolia and around the world, as they play a vital role in supporting vulnerable populations during these challenging times. The article incorporates secondary data from various sources, including ethical research conducted during the pandemic, quantitative data from questionnaires, qualitative data from individual interviews and document research, insights from webinars, consultation meeting presentations and discussions, as well as findings from international and domestic academic articles on social work during the COVID-19 pandemic. These diverse data sources provide a comprehensive foundation for the research report.
The aim of article is to explain the theory and concept of urban sociology and to determine the signs of urban segregation. M. Weber, G. Simmel, E. Durkheim and F. Tönnis laid the foundations of urban sociology. But the researchers of the Chicago School developed theories, concepts and methods of urban sociology. Urban segregation occurs gradually in large cities and is characterized by geographically pronounced social stratification and social inequality.
Abstract This article was written based on the results of the gender analysis in the livelihoods of young herders in 2021, funded by ADB. This article explains the marriage status of young herders, the problems of family relations of young herders, the consequences of two separate lives following school children, the difficulties they face in educating their children, the late marriage age of young male herders and the reason for the decline of women of marriageable age in rural areas were discussed.
Social workers are facing major ethical challenges due to the curfew measures imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which have brought unprecedented changes to the daily life of vulnerable populations. These challenges include increased demand for services, limited resources, balancing personal safety with providing in-person support, and navigating issues related to confidentiality and informed consent. It is crucial to identify and address these challenges to ensure the continuous development of social work professionals in Mongolia and around the world, as they play a vital role in supporting vulnerable populations during these challenging times. The article incorporates secondary data from various sources, including ethical research conducted during the pandemic, quantitative data from questionnaires, qualitative data from individual interviews and document research, insights from webinars, consultation meeting presentations and discussions, as well as findings from international and domestic academic articles on social work during the COVID-19 pandemic. These diverse data sources provide a comprehensive foundation for the research report.
Based on extensive ethnographic research into internal rural–urban migration dynamics and circumstances in Mongolia, this article discusses lived citizenship practices in the ger areas situated in the country’s capital city of Ulaanbaatar. Inspired by findings showing how newly-migrated residents conduct their citizenship individually as well as collectively in peri-urban and informal settlement environments, the study explores the socio-spatial aspects at stake in ger residents’ lived citizenship when residing at the edge of the capital city. We aim to identify the role of social work and public administration in the provision of resources and support, and we rely on a conceptual and analytical framework that captures the ‘matterscape, mindscape and powerscape’ of meaning-making processes in terms of symbolic boundaries and opportunities. The paper calls for a meaningful role for social work and public administration to support internally migrated residents, as they face numerous challenges and uncertainties.
Citizen Groups, almost exclusively comprising women, are emerging in ger district, an intriguing mix of the nomadic culture and rapid urbanization with significant social challenges. Current knowledge and policy to support citizen-led initiatives is limited in Mongolia. except for those successful examples of micro-financing and micro enterprising in Southern and South East Asian countries. In Mongolia government policies and funding schemes lack mechanisms to financially support groups like CGs.This paper draws on insights from research with three Citizens Groups seeking to build social and economic opportunities for ger residents through collaborative partnerships with governments, NGOs and the business. The paper argues that whilst Citizens Groups create bonding and bridging social capital that reduce the social, economic, and environmental vulnerability of ger residents their capacity to mobilise linking social capital remains tenuous. Citizens Groups remain institutionally weak, and this paper calls for greater recognition and support of their activities.
This article was written based on the results of the gender analysis in the livelihoods of young herders in 2021, funded by ADB. This article explains the marriage status of young herders, the problems of family relations of young herders, the consequences of two separate lives following school children, the difficulties they face in educating their children, the late marriage age of young male herders and the reason for the decline of women of marriageable age in rural areas were discussed.
This article presents the results of research on environmental factors that may adversely affect children's hearing, knowledge of target group children and parents about hearing loss, hygienic methods of hearing protection, good practices, the role of social workers in preventing hearing loss, and stakeholder involvement. Hearing loss is on the rise among children and young people due to overuse of personal audio devices such as headphones. A total of 138 representatives from two groups of children and parents who use the Child Development Center at Good Neighbors' Local Development Program were interviewed and analyzed. The results showed that half of the children lacked knowledge about the effects of loud noise hearing, and half of the parents did not understand that loud noise is more harmful to children's hearing. The fact that children often choose one of the many options for hearing protection indicates a lack of awareness, and parents often delay their children's visits to the hospital or give them medication without a doctor's permission. Therefore, in order to prevent hearing loss, it is necessary to increase public awareness, strengthen children's health in the school environment, and increase stakeholder participation.
Prolonging the retirement age for the elderly and enacting relevant laws and programs to increase the employment of the elderly will have a positive impact on the efficient use of national resources, ensuring the right of the elderly to work, livelihoods and income stability. In fact, there are no opportunities and conditions to be fulfilled. Evidence suggests that raising the retirement age is intended to reduce the burden on the social insurance fund.
This article explains the theoretical foundations of divorce, as well as the current situation of divorce in Mongolia and its reasons and consequences. The dynamics of marriage and divorce statistics over the last 30 years show that marriages are declining and divorces are on the rise. Common causes, such as domestic violence, extramarital sex, alcoholism, and differences of opinion, continue to contribute to divorce. Factors such as financial difficulties, excessive involvement of in-laws in domestic affairs, lack of care for the family, and poor health are all contributing factors. Divorce has negative consequences for society, individuals and children. Divorce reduces the number of births, reduces the productivity of divorced people, reduces the value of family institutions, increases the number of single people, teens living in single-parent families are attracted to deviant behavior, negatively affects academic achievement, and women's lives are burdened. increase, deterioration of social morals, and exacerbation of alcoholism.
This article explains the origins and development of family-oriented social services, changes in the policy and legal environment, types and characteristics of family social services, as well as family issues, challenges, and social welfare and alternative services. shows. In the current situation in Mongolia, households in need of social welfare support are the elderly, people with disabilities, children in difficult circumstances, orphans, victims of violence, people released from prisons, people with alcoholism and drug addiction, and single mothers. Services such as father-centered social development, welfare, benefits, pensions and benefits are being implemented.
В статье представлен гендерный анализ средств существования молодых мужчин и женщин-скотоводов Монголии. Показаны особенности занятости скотоводов, структуры и источников дохода, скотоводческое и не скотоводческое производство. Одна из важнейших сфер занятости населения Монголии- кочевное скотоводство. Согласно переписи населения, проведенной Национального комитета статистики Монголии в 2020 году, скотоводы в возрасте от 15 до 34 лет составляют 30% от общей численности скотоводов, а также за период 2000-2019 гг. доля скотовод в возрасте 15-34 лет неуклонно снижается. В рамках исследовательского проекта 2021 г. Институт социальной политики и развития провел гендерный анализ средств существования молодых мужчин и женщин-скотоводов, применив различные методы исследования (обзор литературы и статистических данных, опрос, стандартизированное интервью, углубленное интервью с ключевыми информаторами). В отобранных 6 провинциях были опрошены 841 молодых скотоводов. Большинство молодых скотоводов зарабатывают себе на жизнь только скотоводством, в то время как небольшое количество было занято по совместительству. Они работают на государственной службе, работают сезонно, водят грузовики, работают в частном секторе, а также в сфере услуг. Помимо скотоводства, двойная занятость у скотоводов-мужчин на 3,6% выше, чем у скотоводов-женщин.
This article provides an analysis of Mongolia's long-term policy documents for 2021-2025, as well as a package of Social security laws and national programs on masculinity. In view of the relevance of these documents, it is important to keep track of the needs and policy goals related to gender differences, needs, access, equity, inclusion, effectiveness and participation of different target groups. Scan policies are a widely used approach to researching public policy on gender equality. In particular, it is unique in that it combines a review of existing legislation and policies, other research on policy implementation, and interviews with stakeholders in the policy cycle. Policy analysis includes a large body of textual analysis, and content analysis was conducted by searching for key gender terms and concepts such as gender differences between men, women, gender and target groups.
Gender audit was conducted the implementation of legislations and policies in the mineral, geology, extractive and processing sector to support the development of a sector gender policy including a gender impact on sector management, human resource and enterprises, institution at local, household and individual levels; assess the management practices, decision-making process, organization and human-resource policies extant in the industry; analyze gender issues encountered at organizational levels and to contribute to develop sectorial gender policy based on the assessment results. Assessment was contributed to identify the goals, rationale, and evidence of gender policy based on its findings from studying gender impact of the mineral, geology, extractive and processing sector at national, local, organizational, household and individual levels, it used mixed approach of quantitative and qualitative social research methods. The assessment was conducted in Ulaanbaatar and Dornod, Dornogobi, Khovd, Orkhon and Umnugobi provinces (aimags). 26 organizations including the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry and its related agencies, units and centers, private companies, educational institutes (universities and vocational training centers), scientific organizations (the academy), professional associations and trade unions.
This article explains the basics of gender analysis and its steps, the specifics of gender analysis methods, as well as the Harvard Gender Analysis Framework, Moser's Gender Analysis Model, Women's Development and Gender and Development Policy тatrix, Gender Analysis тatrix, Gender practical and strategic needs and gender-classified information and its importance Gender analysis can be done in all sectors of society and provides information on the impact of different policies and programs on the different needs and circumstances of women and men, especially in development planning. It is important to understand the different forms of women's and men's participation in social, cultural, economic, and legal activities, depending on age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, class, age, behavior, and disability.
This article analyzes the types of families, the composition of the Mongolian family, the number of households, marriage, family divorce in connection with post-socialist socio-economic changes in comparison with the socialist era. In the 1990s, during the transition period to a market system, Mongolia faced a socio-economic crisis, poverty and unemployment, in connection with this there were significant changes in the social image of the family, the number of households and nuclear families increased, new family models appeared, decreased birth rate, increased level of education of women over the level of men, weakening of the role and obligations of parents, child protection and domestic violence.
Эрдэс баялаг, геологи, олборлох, боловсруулах салбарын бодлого, хууль тогтоомжийн хэрэгжилт, салбарын удирдлага, шийдвэр гаргах үйл явц, зохион байгуулалт, хүний нөөцийн болон аж ахуйн нэгж (ААН), бусад байгууллагын жендэрийн асуудал, тус салбарын орон нутаг, өрх, иргэдэд үзүүлж буй жендэрийн нөлөөллийг үнэлэх, үнэлгээний үр дүнд тулгуурлан салбарын хэмжээнд баримтлах жендэрийн бодлого боловсруулахад дэмжлэг үзүүлэх зорилготой. Энэхүү үнэлгээ нь үндэсний, орон нутаг, байгууллага, өрх, хувь хүний түвшинд эрдэс баялаг, геологи, олборлох, боловсруулах салбарын үзүүлж буй жендэрийн нөлөөллийг судалсны үндсэн дээр жендэрийн бодлогын зорилго, зорилт, үйл ажиллагааны үндэслэл, нотолгоог бүрдүүлэхээр зорьсон тул нийгмийн судалгааны тоон болон чанарын судалгааны арга зүйг хослуулан хэрэглэсэн болно. Жендэрийн дүн шинжилгээний Харвард, Мозер, Жендэрийн дүн шинжилгээний матриц, Эмэгтэйчүүдийн чадавхжуулалтын хүрээ, Нийгмийн харилцааны хандлага гэсэн загваруудын хосолмол хувилбарыг үндэсний болон салбарын онцлогийг харгалзан ашиглалаа. Үнэлгээнд Улаанбаатар хотын Налайх, Багануур дүүрэг болон Дорнод, Дорноговь, Ховд, Орхон, Өмнөговь аймгийг хамруулав. Оролцоонд суурилсан жендэрийн аудитын аргаар УУХҮЯ, түүний харьяа агентлаг, нэгж, төв, уул уурхайн ААН, боловсрол, эрдэм шинжилгээний байгууллага (их, дээд сургууль, политехникийн коллеж, МСҮТ, хүрээлэн), мэргэжлийн холбоод, үйлдвэрчний эвлэл нийт 26 байгууллагыг хамруулав.
В статье проанализировано многосменное школьное обучение и его влияние на качество образования в городе Улан-Батор, Монголия. Показаны особенности, преимущества и недостатки многосменного школьного обучения, успеваемость учащихся в средней школе, удовлетворённость родителей и учеников качеством, доступностью образования, а также изучены мнения о многосменном школьном обучении. С распадом социалистической системы и переходом к рыночным отношениям многочисленные миграционные потоки из провинции в столицу привели к механическому приросту численности населения, в результате чего государственная политика по всеобщему вовлечению в школы всех детей шестилетнего возраста, а также процесс перехода от десятилетней системы обучения к новой двенадцатилетней столкнулись с возросшей нагрузкой, школы стали испытывать недостаток средств, дефицит учителей и учебного оборудования. В поисках решений этих проблем некоторые школы увеличили число учащихся в одном классе до 45 и более, а другие ввели третью смену обучения, ставшую обычной практикой для многих средних школ в Улан-Баторе. В рамках исследовательского проекта 2016 г. кафедра социологии и социальной работы Монгольского Государственного университета провела научно-исследовательскую работу по изучению многосменной системы школьного обучения, применив различные методы исследования (опрос, интервьюрирование, наблюдение и контент-анализ). В рамках исследования «Многосменность в средних школах в Улан-Баторе и качество образования», проведённого в 2016–17 гг., были использованы научные подходы структурного функционализма, феноменологии и теории обмена для анализа качественных и количественных данных. Многосменная система школьного обучения, особенно трёхсменная, создаёт большие проблемы. По данным нашего исследования, все основные заинтересованные стороны (учителя, родители и ученики) видят в ней негативное влияние на качество образования и ограничение возможностей учеников поступить в лучшие высшие учебные заведения, учащиеся школ с трёхсменной системой (по сравнению с двухсменной) получают на 20% меньше учебных часов. Трёхсменное обучение введено преимущественно в школах, которые посещают дети из уязвимых социальных групп. Такая практика создаёт социальную дискриминацию и нарушает права детей на равное и качественное образование. 17,9% респондентов, принявших участие в нашем исследовании, имеют доход менее 185 000 тугриков в месяц (равно 80 долларам США), а 5,4% не имеют никаких доходов. Трёхсменная система школьного обучения отрицательно влияет на здоровье и безопасность школьной среды, увеличивая рост заболеваемости среди детей и число прогулов.
Бизнесийн орчин дахь авлигын шалтгаан нөхцлийг уул уурхай, барилга, худалдаа, үйлчилгээ зэрэг томоохон салбарт хэрхэн илэрч байгааг судалгааны үр дүнд тулгуурлан авч үзсэн болно.
This paper analyzes the types of families, the composition of the Mongolian family, the number of households, marriage, family divorce in connection with post-socialist socio-economic changes in comparison with the socialist era. In the 1990s, during the transition period to a market system, Mongolia faced a socio-economic crisis, poverty and unemployment, in connection with this there were significant changes in the social image of the family, the number of households and nuclear families increased, new family models appeared, decreased birth rate, increased level of education of women over the level of men, weakening of the role and obligations of parents, child protection and domestic violence.
Энэхүү өгүүлэлд Монголын хүүхэд хамгааллын хамтарсан багийн өнөөгийн байдалд шинжилгээ хийсэн үр дүнгээс танилцуулах болно. Нийслэлийн болон орон нутгийн хүүхэд хамгааллын хамтарсан багийн туршлагыг тоон болон чанарын аргаар харьцуулан судалж, түүний үр дүнд энэхүү хамтарсан багийн үйл ажиллагааг сайжруулах зөвлөмжийг боловсруулсан байна. Ингэхдээ, судлаачдын баг хамтарсан багийн тогтолцоо ба удирдлага, хамтарсан багийн хүүхэд хамгааллын үйлчилгээ, хамтарсан багийн талаарх оролцогч талууд, эцэг эхчүүдийн болон хүүхдүүдийн мэдлэг, ойлголт, хандлага гэх зэрэг бүрэлдэхүүн асуудлуудын хүрээнд шинжилгээ хийсэн байна.