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ОРЧИН ҮЕИЙН МАЛЧДЫН ХОРШОО БА ТӨСӨЛ ХӨТӨЛБӨРҮҮДИЙН НӨЛӨӨ Пионерын Цэрэнбазар Болдбаатарын Мягмарсүрэн Монгол Улс Энэхүү илтгэлийн хүрээнд малчдын хоршооны үйл ажиллагаа, малчдын гишүүнчлэлийн 2000 оноох хойшх нөхцөл байдлын талаар болон малчдын хоршоонд улсын зүгээс, олон улсын төсөл хөтөлбөрүүдийн зүгээс үзүүлж буй нөлөөллүүдийн талаар авч үзнэ. Энэхүү илтгэлийг бэлтгэгчид 2016 оноос хойш 4 удаа малчдын ахуй нөхцөл, улирлын нүүдэл, малын эрүүл мэнд, үржил, малын гаралтай бүтээгдэхүүний төрөл, хэмжээ, зах зээлийн үнэ ханш, борлуулалтын сувгийн талаар цогц суурь судалгааны багийг ахалж ажиллаад байгаа бөгөөд судалгааны ажил цаашид ч үргэлжлэх юм. Энэ судалгааны үр дүнгээс сүүлийн 10 жилд монгол малчид хэрхэн аж төрж байгаа бүхэл зургийг харж болох ч энэ илтгэлийн хүрээнд малчид хэрхэн эвлэлдэн нэгдэж, хоршооллон ажиллаж байгаа талаар сонирхуулахыг зорьж байна. 2023 оны байдлаар малчдын харьяалагдаж буй малчдын хоршоо дундажаар 10 жил болсон татварын хувьд маш хэлбэлзэлтэй байна. Хоршоодын зүгээс ямар нэгэн үйл ажиллагаа явуулахгүй бол малчид тэнд хамрагдахгүй, хамрагдах төлөвгүй бол хураамж өгөх тохиолдол туйлын бага байна. Малчдын хоршоод гишүүдээсээ хураамж авахаас илүү хувь нийлүүлсэн хэлбэрээр байгуулагдсан эсвэл ноос ноолуурын урамшуулал өгөхийн тулд зохион байгуулагдсан, ченжүүд хоршоо хэлбэрт орсон тохиолдол их ажиглагдлаа. 2018 оны байдлаар ХАА-н байгууллагууд давхардсан тоогоор 389 төрлийн үйл ажиллагаа явуулж байсан бол 2022 оны байдлаар 742 төрлийн үйл ажиллагаа явуулж байна. Хоршоод малчдыг чадавхжуулах, ноос ноолуур авах, арьс шир түүний эд авах, ноос ноолуурын урамшуулалд хамруулах үйл ажиллагаа өмнө үед түлхүү явуулж байсан бол КОВИД 19-н дараа энэ нөхцөл өөрчлөгдөж байна. Олон улсын байгууллагууд (Дэлхийн банк, Азийн хөгжлийн банк, Мерси кор, Жайка болон бусад) малчдыг малжуулах, малын эрүүл мэндийг сайжруулах, малаас авах ашиг шимийг сайжруулах, малчид нэмүү өртөг шингэсэн бүтээгдэхүүн зах зээлд нийлүүлэх боломжийг нэмэгдүүлэх зэрэг чиглэлд сүүлийн 20 гаруй жил үйл ажиллагаа явуулж байна. Төрөл бүрийн төслийн явцад үйл ажиллагаа төлөвлөж, тэднийг хамруулдаг ч төслийн дараа буцаад хуучин хэвэндээ орох тохиолдлууд өндөр байна.
This study examines the effect of couples' employment status on violence against women based on the 6,090-women sample data from Mongolia's Gender-based Violence Survey 2017 (GBVS). We applied the probit model to analyze the effect and found that the couple's employment status affects the violence against women.
This study attempts to map out the size and shape and measure the paid care sector based on the most available data in Mongolia for the first time. Estimating spending on childcare, elderly care and care for the disabled in monetary terms is essential for the welfare of care receivers and has macroeconomic implications. Using the central government budget spending data, the Labor Force Survey, and the Household Socio-Economic Survey we estimate the approximate size of paid care sector financed by the government and households in Mongolia. We find that Mongolia's preliminary measure of the paid care sector is equal to 10.6 percent of the GDP in 2021. Also, we identified the data gap for measuring paid care.
Care work, both paid and unpaid, is extremely important for any social system as well as the economy to survive. The utmost importance of care work was highlighted in the pandemic, when it became challenging to move ahead without the facilities of care staff. The ILO: doubling investment from 2015 levels would result in 117 million additional jobs opportunities by 2030. Because of the nature of care, such professions are less probable to automation. (ILO, 2021) Countries which invest in a care economy have a higher maternal employment to population ratio as per the ILO.
Жил болгоны Асрахуйн эдийн засгийн хэмжилтийн талаар хийдэг ОУХ-д илтгэл тавьсан
Information Technology is one of the most dynamic factors that contribute to the technical progress in production design, business process, and services supply of all types. The theoretical and empirical literature has demonstrated that the adoption and implementation of Information Systems improve the organization’s financial performance. In this paper, we investigate whether the investment in information technology influences the financial performance of organizations basing on the 1,348 Mongolian companies’ financial statement data covering from 2016 to 2020. The fixed effects model is applied for this analysis, and we find that information technology investment positively affects financial performance.
Information Technology (IT) is one of the most dynamic factors that contribute to the technical progress in production design, business process, and services supply of all types. The theoretical and empirical literature has demonstrated that the adoption and implementation of Information Systems improve the organization’s financial performance. In this paper, we investigate whether the investment in IT – hardware and software – influences the financial performance of organizations basing on the 1,348 Mongolian companies’ financial statement data covering from 2016 to 2019. The fixed effect model is applied for this analysis, and we find that IT investment positively affects financial performance.
The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus around the world have resulted governments to take emergency regulations and actions for containing the pandemic such as \travel restriction, lockdowns and social distancing etc. All these restrictions are impact on the household wellbeing hence country wellbeing. 12.8 percent of GDP is from the agriculture sector, of which 11.9 percent is from the livestock sector (as in 2020). All these restrictions are impact on the household wellbeing hence country wellbeing. In the livestock sector, the main producer is a herder household. 1/5 of total household is herder household. and herder household consists of herder(s) and their nuclear family which conducts livestock husbandry around the year for the main purpose of livelihood and source of income. COVID-19 impact on the herder household is might be unlike the urban households due to livestock sectoral characters (for example, possibility of running 'relatively-independent' micro/household production) and traditional herding features (nomadic pastoring). And the impact of COVID-19on the herder household has been little studied. In this study, we draw on unique survey data from a sample of 2080 Mongolian herding households, carried out in 2021, to focus on the herder households and implications of the COVID-19 impact on the herder households.
Women’s role in herding and their empowerment in Mongolian herding households has been little studied, and their participation in decision-making can have important implications for rural households. We draw on a unique sample of 60 Mongolian herding households carried out in 2017 to provide evidence for how herding work and related decision-making is shared between husbands and wives. We extend previous work by using a much more detailed survey, asking about participation in 22 different activities related to herding and 39 decisions, and by analysing factors associated with greater participation in herding decisions by Mongolian women. We show that most herding tasks are not gendered, and, in many tasks, women contribute more time than men. Women made few herdingrelated decisions alone, and they participate jointly with their spouses in about half the decisions, many fewer than men. Women who contribute more to herding income through milk and cashmere production have more input into many decisions; more educated women have greater participation in some decisions. These findings suggest policy paths toward greater equality and improved outcomes in Mongolian herding households.
In this study, we attempted to calculate the sticky cost of the Mongolian financial institutions basing on the 3211 companies’ financial statement data that covers from 2013 to 2018. Here we applied the fixed-effect model for this analysis and find that cost stickiness is 0.26 percent per 1 percent decrease in total revenue. Moreover, it is 0.4% for securities companies while 0.26% for non-bank financial institutions.
The study is designed to assess the current status and factors of the students' knowledge, skills, and attitude and toward traditional customs with the utmost goal to direct national educational policy on Mongolian youth in the emerging globalized era. According to the findings, any nation must embrace customs, traditions that derive from daily life, and education is considered a key tool to achieve the above goal. The research question is to what extent the national curriculum supports such inter- curriculum issues as youth knowledge and skills on the traditional customs and what are the factors of its successful implementation. The research framework covers the study of the students' academic performance in the area of traditional customs by developing tests, task, content analysis of the curriculum and the textbook analysis, parents, teachers, and school factors as well. In total 3, 095 students, 17 secondary schools of Ulaanbaatar city and regions covered. The result shows that poor performance of the student knowledge, skills, and attitude towards tradition is directly connected to the national curriculum, such factors as an identified skill on the traditions [Sig=.000] and devoted time [Sig=000]. Results of the analysis of the supporting factors such as number of the textbook assignments [Sig=.005], teachers knowledge of the traditions [Sig=.000], parents' acknowledgment of the traditional customs [Sig=.002], as well as school policy on the extracurricular activities planning and implementation, shows its correlation too. The survey showed that overall management of the cross-curriculum knowledge and skills should be improved.
The concept of gender bargaining power has become central to economic theory and public policy. Researchers have sought to measure bargaining power in order to better understand factors that contribute to its increase and its relationship to improved outcomes for women. Thus, we collected unique survey data of 60 Mongolian herding households (couples) and we provide an overview of the productive herding activities and gender divisions of labor and decision-making in our herding households. We show that herding activities in Mongolian households are both gender-segregated and shared, that decision-making is also both gender-segregated and shared, but that decision-making rights are not always directly related to time allocation in related work. We also show both men and women agree that income on all products is shared even when men produce and sell the products, suggesting some bargaining power for women (or norms of sharing).
Abstract: Aviation industry’s competition is intensifying every year, by the appearance of the low-cost carriers (LCC). We have conducted the questionnaire survey to reveal the satisfactory level of aviation company and concluded the results in this paper. As result of the factor analysis, 6 components had chosen as customer satisfaction such as “In-flight service”, “In flight comfort”, “Reliability”, “Number of flights and waiting time”, “Cost of flight” and “Safety”. As for the domestic aviation company, to compete in the era of high competition, they have to choose whether to compete in the full-service carrier (differentiation strategy), nor the low-cost carrier (cost leadership strategy). Keywords: Generic strategy, competition factor, customer behavior