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This study delves into the role of mass media in shaping and perpetuating gender roles and stereotypes within society, with a specific focus on the representation of women. Through an examination of the main Mongolian periodicals, "Unuudur" and "Odriin Sonin," spanning the years 2013 to 2023, the research employs a sampling method to analyze the portrayal of women in these publications. Findings reveal that media outlets play a significant role in shaping societal perceptions of women, necessitating a critical evaluation of their editorial policies regarding gender representation. Notably, the study identifies a predominant portrayal of female professionals aged 36 to 55 in Mongolian daily newspapers. However, it also highlights a tendency to present women in a passive light, devoid of agency and voice. This research underscores the importance of media organizations adopting a more nuanced and inclusive approach to representing women, thereby challenging entrenched gender norms and fostering greater gender equality within society.
Social networking platforms have become an integral part of the daily lives of adolescents, serving as spaces for communication, information sharing, and self-expression. These platforms employ complex algorithms that determine the content shown to users, including targeted advertising. The intersection of social networking algorithms and advertising raises significant ethical concerns, especially when it comes to advertising aimed at adolescents. This article explores the ethical implications of social networking algorithms in the context of adolescent-oriented advertising. This study examines the ethical and legal dimensions of adolescent-oriented advertising on social networking platforms. It delves into the specific methods used by algorithms to identify and target adolescents, often exploiting their interests, behaviors, and preferences. The ethical concerns surrounding social networking algorithms and adolescent-oriented advertising necessitate a comprehensive examination of current practices and a reevaluation of industry standards. This article underscores the need for ongoing research and dialogue among scholars, policymakers, and technology companies to ensure that the interests and well-being of adolescents are prioritized in the ever-evolving landscape of social networking and digital advertising.
Social media has become a common utility to receive information for people across the world. Mongolia has joined mainstream social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. According to the World population review (2023), Facebook users are estimated to be 2.7 million as of June 2021. This indicates the popularity of social media as a medium tool or an information source for the majority of the population in Mongolia. Here, we attempt to explore how Mongolian youths who are active consumers of social media use the information found in social media. We used secondary data collected by the team of researchers at the National University of Mongolia, and the data were not used for publication of the study. The survey was conducted in the Spring of 2022. Upon examining the data, we decided to share some important findings for determining youth’s information consumption in Mongolia. To understand social media consumption among the youths, we looked at the four main skills for utilizing social media properly: the capability to distinguish social media from other mass media sources es, the capability to check source credibility, the capability to fact-check, and the behavior of utilizing information obtained from social media. We concluded that there is a relationship between gender when using social media and the tendency of more information consumption through social media, be it a mass media sourced information by official mass media pages or friends on social media.
There has been a dramatic change in the behavior of news consumption. Compared with traditional medium, there is an inevitable requirement to accurately design any content in a very limited space. Need to pay extra attention on cognitive loads and interactive elements of information design. In this article, we aim to consider fundamental concepts that explain the psychological response of users to information design, but other foundations of design, such as color, lines, and fonts etc.
Summary: The use of artificial intelligence in journalism and mass communication is a major driving force in the information society and economy. This article aims to examine the current state and impact of artificial intelligence. As AI begins to penetrate deeper into journalism and other creative activities, identified seven key challenges that need to be addressed: digital gatekeepers, availability of data, understanding unstructured data, lack of self-awareness, verifying authenticity, redefining copyright and fair use, ensuring corporate accountability, exacerbating asymmetrical power.
Энэхүү өгүүлэлд зохиогчид мэдээллийн ил тод байдал ба нээлттэй өгөгдлийн сэтгүүл зүйн салбар болон нийгэмд үзүүлж буй ач холбогдлын талаар авч үзсэн. Ингэхдээ төрийн өмчит уул уурхайн компаниудын дагаж мөрдөх ёстой Шилэн дансны тухай хуулийн хэрэгжилт, тэдний мэдээллийн ил тод байдлын тухай нарийвчлан авч үзэв. Компаниуд шилэн дансаа бүрэн бүтэн хөтөлсөн эсэх, сонгосон компанийн шилэн дансанд оруулж буй мэдээлэл нь хуулийн шаардлага хийгээд нээлттэй өгөгдөлд тавих стандартыг хангасан эсэхийг тодорхой шалгууруудаар тогтоож, цаашид шилэн дансны хуулийг сайжруулах асуудлаар санал зөвлөмж тусгасан.