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Багш ажилтан
Япончуудын ёс суртахууны боловсролын талаар авч үзэв.
Хүн төрөлхтөн хөгжлийн өндөр түвшинд хүрсэн ч түүнийхээ хэрээр хүний хөгжил хаана хүрэх ёстойгоо эргэн харж, алдсан үнэт зүйлсээ эргэн харах шаардлагатай болдог. Аливаа улс орны хөгжил ард түмнийхээ хөгжлөөр хэмжигддэг бөгөөд хүний хөгжил гэдэг ойлголт нь зөвхөн эрдэм мэдлэг боловсролын түвшингээр хязгаарлагддаггүй, түүнд амьдрах ухаан, амьдрах ур чадвар, хувь хүний сахилга бат, нийгмийн төлөө гэсэн ухамсар, эрүүл мэндийн байдал, амьдрах орчин гээд олон үзүүлэлтийг багтаадаг. Япончууд ёс суртахууны боловсролыг чухалчилдаг. Бид энэхүү өгүүллээрээ Япон дахь ёс суртахууны боловсролын талаарх үзэл санаа, түүхэн өөрчлөлт, уламжлалд дүн шинжилгээ хийхийг зорьж байна.
In this study, we analyzed the process and results of alternative assessment practices, which represent a growing trend in foreign language education evaluation. We aimed to examine the associated issues. The new assessment method was implemented in two undergraduate lectures and one seminar spanning three semesters from 2021 to 2023. The students utilized rubrics to assess each other's assignments, including presentations, with their scores contributing to the overall evaluation. Upon comparing the students' evaluations with those of the teachers, we observed no significant differences in the majority of categories. This finding prompts further exploration to validate the efficacy of this assessment format in classes. Furthermore, an increase in students' levels of class participation and autonomy was noted, proving advantageous for cultivating learner-centered classes. Moving forward, we aspire to enhance assessment categories and fully integrate them into our classes, anticipating a positive impact on the learning process and outcomes.
2019年に発生したコロナ禍はモンゴル国の教育分野に大きな影響を与え、2020 年2月から約2年間、全国の教育機関で遠隔教育が行われたが、その現状や課題に関する 研究が少ない。コロナ禍が終息しても、オンライン教育のニーズが高まっている現在、筆 者らはコロナ禍における日本語教育について調べることを目指し、モンゴルの日本語教育 機関10カ所と日本の日本語教育機関5カ所の教師を対象にインタビューとアンケート方 式で調査を行い、授業デザイン、メリットやデメリット、課題について探り、改善の可能 性について検討してみた。モンゴルにおける日本語オンライン授業の課題を究明したう えで、日本の大学・日本語学校の実践事例から学び、モンゴル国内の日本語教師の間で遠 隔授業実施に関する知識・実践経験をシェアし、今後の日本語遠隔授業の発展に寄与する ことを試みた。 調査の結果では、日本の日本語教育機関の場合、事前作業(オフライン)→振り返り(オ ンライン)→導入(オンライン)→基本練習(オンラインかオフライン)→応用練習(オ ンラインかオフライン)→まとめ、宿題の説明(オンライン)→事後作業(オフライン) という授業構成が多かったのに対し、モンゴルの日本語教育機関の場合、振り返り(オン ライン)→導入(オンライン)→基本練習(オンライン)→応用練習(オンライン)→ま とめ、宿題の説明(オンライン)→事後作業(オフライン)という構成が多く見られた。 モンゴルでは対面授業の構成・デザインを変えずに、同じ形式をオンライン授業に取り入 れたケースが大多数を占め、課題も多く残り、遠隔教育に関する否定的なイメージを持つ 人が多い。授業構成・デザイン・活動をはじめ、同じ形式ではなく、同価値の授業を目指 す日本の事例から学ぶことが多くあると考える。
2019 онд дэлхий дахинаа дэгдсэн Ковид-19 цар тахал боловсролын салбарт үлэмж нөлөө үзүүлсэн бөгөөд уг судалгаагаар Япон болон Монголын боловсролын байгууллагуудын пон хэлний цахим хичээлийн дизайныг харьцуулан, Япон улсын туршлагаас суралцах боломжийг эрэлхийлэх, санал зөвлөмж дэвшүүлэхийг зорьсон болно.
In recent years, as the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant adverse impacts on the education sector, educational institutions have tried various methods of online teaching to adapt into the situation. In this research paper, we aimed to analyze and highlight the current state of online teaching and learning in foreign language education, its advantages, and disadvantages as well as domestic and foreign professionals’ take on the matter. As online teaching in foreign language education has multiple facades and its pros and cons, researchers all around the world are emphasizing the importance of class design. Specifically, developing a hybrid classroom medium where online and in-person classes are both conducted, flipped classroom, interactive communication between the lecturer and students and overall developing an efficient class design have been the center of attention for many. Although the pandemic situation is improving, there is no doubt that online teaching and learning is going to continue being an essential aspect of education, given its benefits of saving time and allowing the learner to learn from anywhere. Thus, it is critical to analyze methods to make online teaching more efficient.
БФ-ийн монгол хэлний ангийн цөөн оюутанд япон хэл сонгоноор заах болсон нь 1975 он юм. Үүгээр Монгол улс дахь албан ёсны япон хэлний сургалт эхэлсэн түүхтэй. Энэ тухай ШУА-ийн Олон улс судлалын хүрээлэнгийн захирал, шинжлэх ухааны доктор Л.Хайсандай “ЗХУ-ын их дээд сургуулиудад япон хэлтэй боловсон хүчин бэлтгэхийн зэрэгцээ 1975 оноос үндэсний их сургуульд япон хэлний сургалт явуулж эхэлсэн нь япон хэлтэй боловсон хүчин, япон судлаачдыг бэлтгэхэд чухал ач холбогдолтой болсныг дурдах нь зүйтэй” гэж тэмдэглэсэн байдаг. Өдгөө МУИС-ийн багш судлаачид монгол япон хэлний харьцуулсан судалгаа, монгол хүнд япон хэл заах аргын судалгаа, Монгол Японы харилцаа, Япон дахь монголын түүхийн судалгааны зэрэгцээ Монгол Японы соёл, домог зүйн харьцуулал, японы түүх, боловсролын чиглэлээр судалгаа хийж байгаа болно. Мөн Монгол улс дахь япон хэлний сургалтын бодлогыг тодорхойлогч байгууллагын үүргийг гүйцэтгэхийн зэрэгцээ бага, дунд, ахлах, их дээд сургуулиудад хэрэглэх япон хэлний стандарт сурах бичгийг зохиож, орон даяар хэрэглэж байна. Тэрчлэн япон хэлний толь бичиг, орчуулгын олон бүтээл туурвиж олны хүртээл болгоод байна. Энэ бүхнээс үзэхэд МУИС нь Монгол улсад япон судлаач бэлтгэх, япон судлалыг гүнзгийрүүлэн хөгжүүлэх, хүрээгээ тэлэхэд нь гол үүрэг гүйцэтгэсэн хийгээд Монгол улсын япон судлалын нэг төв болжээ.
The authors are developing a cognitive diagnostic test for listening comprehension of Japanese for the A2 level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment). This test aims to give advice to learners on how they should proceed in order to reach A2. The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the abilities and strategies used in the process of answering the listening comprehension test between learners who have reached A2 and those who have not. The survey was conducted using the retrospective verbal report method, in which 11 native Mongolian speakers were asked to explain the answering process immediately after answering each item of the Japanese listening comprehension test. In the analysis, we compared the contents of the 71 reports generated for 30 test items by four participants in the higher group and three participants in the lower group. The results showed that the higher group understood the entire listening text and used guessing strategies to obtain correct answers when necessary, whereas the lower group often understood the text only partially, and sometimes misunderstood it. In addition, the lower group sometimes used the strategy of choosing the branch that contained the word they heard, but this strategy was not effective because it did not lead to correct answers. This experiment revealed part of the answering process used by A2-level learners and nonachieving learners for the listening comprehension test. The results will contribute to developing test items, teaching materials, and listening comprehension instruction in the future.
In this study, we aim to analyze the process and methods of reforming the program learning outcomes of Japanese language courses at NUM with respect to implementing an outcome-based education principles. It can be inferred that the outcome-based education aspect is highly prominent in NUM’s Japanese language curriculum. In doing so, program learning outcomes and course learning outcomes are defined by taking curriculum objectives and general demand into account. Henceforward, to further improve the curriculum, there is a need to focus on refining the interrelation between program learning outcomes and course learning outcomes, constantly implementing study results from all parties and making the program more accessible.
МУИС, МУБИС, ШУТИС-ийн жишээнд тулгуурлан, Монголын их дээд сургууль дахь япон хэлний сургалтын хөтөлбөрийн өнөөгийн байдал, онцлог, тулгарч буй асуудлын талаар үр дүнд суурилсан боловсролын хэрэгжилтийн өнцгөөс дүн шинжилгээ хийв.
It is said that it is possible to know the culture of the people who use the language from the characteristics of the language expression. Among them, proverbs and idioms that are born from daily life and become the wisdom of the people greatly reflect the history of the country, the geographical environment and the way of thinking of the people, and the world view, and are important clues to express the language and culture. The Mongolians cherish nature and have treated everything and phenomena of nature as proverbs and idioms in connection with human behavior and life as wisdom of life. Similarly, there are many proverbs and idioms about nature in Japanese. In this paper, we aim to compare the proverbs and idioms that appear in the proverbs and idioms of Mongolia and Japan, and the world views of the Mongolians and the Japanese.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the abilities and strategies used in the process of answering the listening comprehension test between Japanese language learners who have reached CEFR A2 level and those who have not. The survey was conducted using the retrospective verbal report method, in which 11 native Mongolian speakers were asked to explain the answering process immediately after answering each item of the Japanese listening comprehension test. In the analysis, we compared the contents of the 71 reports generated for 30 test items by four participants in the higher group and three participants in the lower group.
A conceptual metaphor enables the application of the knowledge acquired in one area to the one employed in another area. This current study focuses on defining an essential role of horses which are a part of the Mongolian nomadic culture and the horse associated knowledge within the framework of the political discourse by utilizing facts of daily newspapers and websites. A complex notion of a political election, which has not been thoroughly studied in political discourse studies, was studied by utilizing the method of the metaphor expanding target mapping, and a model for ‘political election – horse race’ was developed.
Уг илтгэлд орчин үеийн Япон улсын эмэгтэйчүүдийн нийгэмд эзлэх байр суурийг ажил эрхлэлтийн үүднээс авч үзэн, дүн шинжилгээ хийхийг зорьсон болно. Ингэхдээ Японы эмэгтэйчүүдийн нийгэмд эзлэх байр суурийг ажил эрхлэлтийн түүхэн уламжлал, өөрчлөлт, өнөөгийн байдал, ажил эрхлэлттэй холбоотой хуулийн зохицуулалт, карьерийн өнөөгийн байдал, ажил эрхлэлт карьерт нөлөөлж буй хүчин зүйлс зэрэгтэй холбон авч үзэв.
Монгол хэлэнд япон үгийг хэрхэн галиглаж буйг хэвлэл мэдээллийн хэрэгслийн жишээгээр ажиглалт хийж, галиглах байдал нь ижил байгаа эсэх, ямар зарчим, журмын дагуу галигласан байгааг тодруулахыг зорьсон.
In this article, we will be considering the issues on the methodology for developing the textbook “Japanese 1” for NUM’s Liberal arts education. When creating the textbook “Japanese 1” us authors, have aspired to follow the methodologies for developing foreign language teaching materials, common criteria for textbook, internationally accepted CEFR and the JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education. CEFR and JF standards both clearly define the Level A or beginners’ learning goals and objectives. We took those goals and objectives as our main indicators for evaluation and took a student-centered, communication-oriented approach. Furthermore, when setting learning goals and objectives and evaluating the results, we used the Can-do statements evaluation method, which focuses on “What will the learner be able to do?”. As the above-mentioned textbook is targeted for Mongolian students, it is structured around concepts concerning Mongolian cultural elements. In the future, we firmly believe that this textbook should be used as a comprehensive teaching aid for Japanese language and should be improved along the way. Also, we hereby acknowledge the necessity for developing the basis of creating the textbook for the next level.
Abstract: One of the most important things of foreign language training is to enrich the vocabulary of language students. There are many methods to improve and enrich students’ vocabulary; however, the most important thing is a correct choice of training method. In Japanese language teaching, recently, scientists have marked out that one of the most creative method is Word mapping that develops the creative ability of students as both of teacher and student benefit from this training. Word mapping is a plan picture to unpack the concepts in subdivisions and diagrams that describes in word or picture expressing any information in visual ways. The objective of the research is using Word mapping in Japanese language and searching any other opportunities that can improve vocabulary of students and finally analyzing the results of the lesson. The novelty of the research work is testing Word mapping to enrich vocabulary of Mongolian students on basis of the methods by a Japanese researcher Tokuhiro Yasuyo. Upon experimental training for Mongolian students learning Japanese language for 3 months through Word Mapping Method, we have made the following conclusions. It was very effective to use Word mapping, one of the Mind mapping methods, to improve vocabulary and memorize of Kanji for Japanese language students. The experimental training class students reached successes and qualities better than control class students. In additions, students improved their participation and activation. Finally, we summarize that it is available to use Word mapping to enrich vocabulary of students learning Japanese.