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Багш ажилтан
Өсвөр насны хүүхдийн хувьд сэтгэл хөдлөлийн илэрхийлэл муу байх нь бодисын хэт их хэрэглээ, сэтгэл гутрал, түгшүүр зэрэгт өртөх эрсдэлийг нэмэгдүүлж, танин мэдэхүйн чадварт нь сөргөөр нөлөөлдөг байна. Харин сэтгэл хөдлөлөө илэрхийлж, зохицуулах чадварыг сайжруулах сургалт орох нь сэтгэл гутрал болон түгшүүрийн шинж тэмдэг буурдаг. “Хүүхдэд зориулсан сэтгэл хөдлөлийн илэрхийллийн хэмжүүр” нь хүүхдийн сэтгэл хөдлөлөө илэрхийлэх байдлыг тодорхойлж, сайжруулах арга хэмжээ авах, үр дүнг үнэлэх боломжийг бүрдүүлж өгөх бөгөөд клиник болон судалгааны орчинд хэрэглэх боломжтой арга юм. Иймд уг аргыг монгол хэл рүү орчуулж, нутагшуулахыг зорив. Судалгаанд нийт 302 хүүхдийг хамруулан авч үзэхэд тайлбарлах болон батлах хүчин зүйлийн шинжилгээний үр дүнд “Хүүхдэд зориулсан сэтгэл хөдлөлийн илэрхийллийн хэмжүүр” нь нийт 14 асуулттай 3 хүчин зүйлийн загварт тохирох утгуудыг харуулсан.
Өсвөр насны хүүхдийн хувьд сэтгэл хөдлөлийн илэрхийлэл муу байх нь бодисын хэт их хэрэглээ, сэтгэл гутрал, түгшүүр зэрэгт өртөх эрсдэлийг нэмэгдүүлж, танин мэдэхүйн чадварт нь сөргөөр нөлөөлдөг байна. Харин сэтгэл хөдлөлөө илэрхийлж, зохицуулах чадварыг сайжруулах сургалт орох нь сэтгэл гутрал болон түгшүүрийн шинж тэмдэг буурдаг. “Хүүхдэд зориулсан сэтгэл хөдлөлийн илэрхийллийн хэмжүүр” нь хүүхдийн сэтгэл хөдлөлөө илэрхийлэх байдлыг тодорхойлж, сайжруулах арга хэмжээ авах, үр дүнг үнэлэх боломжийг бүрдүүлж өгөх бөгөөд клиник болон судалгааны орчинд хэрэглэх боломжтой арга юм. Иймд уг аргыг монгол хэл рүү орчуулж, нутагшуулахыг зорив. Судалгаанд нийт 302 хүүхдийг хамруулан авч үзэхэд тайлбарлах болон батлах хүчин зүйлийн шинжилгээний үр дүнд “Хүүхдэд зориулсан сэтгэл хөдлөлийн илэрхийллийн хэмжүүр” нь нийт 14 асуулттай 3 хүчин зүйлийн загварт тохирох утгуудыг харуулсан.
Кристин Нефф “Өөртөө энэрэнгүй хандах байдлын хэмжүүр”-ийг 2003 онд 26 асуулттайгаар анхлан боловсруулсан ба Раес болон бусад судлаачид 2010 онд 12 асуулттай богино хувилбарыг нь танилцуулжээ. Улмаар олон улсад нутагшуулалтын судалгаанууд хийгдсэн байна. Харин МУИС, МУБИС-ийн судалгааны санг шүүхэд уг сэдэвтэй холбоотой судалгааны ажил хараахан олдоогүй учир энэхүү судалгаагаар тус аргын психометрик чанарыг судлахыг зорьсон. Судалгааны аргыг зөвлөлөөр хэлэлцэх аргаар орчуулж, агуулгын тохирц чанарыг шинжээчдийн үнэлгээний аргаар шалгав. Нүүр тохирц чанарыг 10 дугаар ангийн 20 сурагчийн үнэлгээгээр шалгахад шаардлага хангасан учир ахлах ангийн 343 сурагчаас өгөгдөл цуглуулсан. Үүнээс 312 сурагчийн өгөгдөл дээр хүчин зүйл тайлбарлах шинжилгээ хийхэд 3 хүчин зүйл илэрсэн бөгөөд дахин хүчин зүйл батлах шинжилгээ хийхэд 3 хүчин зүйлийн загварт тохирох утгуудыг харуулсан.
Хичээлийн судалгаанд суурилсан “Багшлах ур чадварын тэмцээн”-ий багшийн мэргэжлийн хөгжилд үзүүлэх үр нөлөө 1Б.Болдсүрэн, 2Ч.Нямгэрэл, 3Д.Түмэнбаяр, 4Ц.Амартайван МУИС, 1Боловсрол, сэтгэл судлалын тэнхим, 2Химийн тэнхим, 3Математикийн тэнхим, 4Физикийн тэнхим Түлхүүр үгс: Багшлах ур чадварын тэмцээн; Багш боловсролын хөтөлбөр; Хичээлийн судалгаа; Хураангуй: МУИС дахь багш хөтөлбөрийн оюутнуудын судлан шинжлэх, заах ур чадварын хөгжлийг дэмжихийн тулд хичээлийн судалгаанд суурилсан “Багшлах ур чадварын тэмцээн”-ийг зохион байгуулж ирсэн. Бид энэхүү судалгаагаар тус “Багшлах ур чадварын тэмцээн”-ий багш хөтөлбөрөөр төгсөгчдийн мэргэжлийн хөгжилд үзүүлсэн нөлөөг тодруулахыг зорив. Үүний тулд МУИС дахь багш хөтөлбөрийн 9 хөтөлбөрөөс Багш, Химийн боловсрол, Багш, Математикийн боловсрол хөтөлбөрийн 10 төгсөгчийг сонгон авч судалгаанд хамрууллаа. Ингэхдээ тэмцээнд оролцсон баг тус бүрээс 1 гишүүнийг төлөөлүүлэн түүврээр авч ганцаарчилсан, бүтэцжүүлсэн ярилцлага зохион байгууллаа. Химийн багш хөтөлбөрийн төгсөгчидтэй хийсэн ярилцлагын үр дүнгээс харахад багшлах ур чадварын уралдаанд оролцож хичээлийн судалгаанд суурилан тодорхой сэдвээр ээлжит хичээл бэлтгэн заахдаа тухай хичээлийн агуулгын, арга зүйн, хэрэглэгдэхүүний судалгааг хийж, хичээлээ 3-4 удаа зааж дэс дараалан сайжруулдаг нь ажлын байранд гарсны дараа ч багшлах арга зүйн хөгжилд чухал мэдлэг, чадвар, хандлагын эх сурвалж болсоор байна. Уралдаанд оролцсоноор олж авсан, цаашид тасралтгүй хөгжүүлж буй чадварт багаар ажиллах, ажлын цагийн менежментийг оновчтой хийх, хийсэн зүйлээ оновчтой хураангуйлан бусдад ойлгомжтой байдлаар илтгэх, тайлагнах зэрэг зөөлөн ур чадварыг олон давтамжтай нэрлэжээ. Мөн ур чадварын уралдаан нь мэргэжлийн болон мэргэжлийн бус хичээлээр үзсэн зүйлээ аутентик хэрэглээнд оруулах нөхцөл бүрдүүлэн мэдлэг, чадвараа хэрэглэх чадамж, итгэл үнэмшилд ихээхэн түлхэц өгч, улмаар багшийн ажлын байранд гарсны дараа ч мэргэжилдээ өсөж, сайжрахад чухал байгааг дурджээ. Эдгээр үр дүнд үндэслэн бид хичээлийн судалгаанд суурилсан “Багшлах ур чадварын тэмцээн” нь багш боловсролын хөтөлбөрийн зорилтын хүрээнд оюутны мэдлэг, чадвар, хандлага хөгжил төлөвшилд чухал хувь нэмэр оруулж байна гэсэн дүгнэлтэд хүрч цаашид тухайн үйл ажиллагааны хүртээмжийг нэмэгдүүлэх, чанаржуулах чиглэлээр санал, зөвлөмж гаргасан. Мөн хөтөлбөрийн төрөл, чиглэл, оюутны хувийн онцлог зэрэг хүчин зүйлсээс шалтгаалан үйл ажиллагааны үзүүлэх үр нөлөө харилцан адилгүй байж болох тул цаашид нарийвчлан судлах шаардлагатай гэж үзэв.
Stigma and discrimination during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have increased precipitously worldwide. This multinational study examines how stigma, blaming groups for virus spread, concern regarding contracting the virus, resource loss, life satisfaction, and protective behaviors that help control the spread of COVID-19 are associated with post-traumatic stress and vaccine intent in Mongolia, India, and the United States. Method: 1429 people in Mongolia, India, and the United States completed measures assessing stigma during the COVID-19 pandemic, post-traumatic stress, blame, protective behaviors, and vaccine intent. Results: Mean post-traumatic stress scores in all three countries exceeded the cut-off that is commonly used to determine probable post-traumatic stress. Post-traumatic stress was associated with COVID-19 stigma experience, personal behavior change due to COVID-19 stigma, blaming groups for the spread of COVID-19, fear of COVID-19, and resource loss. In India and the United States, personal behavior change due to COVID-19 stigma, anger at individuals spreading COVID-19, and perceived susceptibility to illness were positively associated with vaccine intent. Conclusions: Stigma is a collateral stressor during the pandemic. The findings underscore the importance of prompt action to address stigma as a deleterious consequence of the pandemic. The findings illuminate potential barriers to receiving the vaccine and provide direction for future research to address barriers.
As Mongolian children experience multiple transitions and stressors in family and community ecologies (e.g., geographic mobility, economic stress, family disruption), they are at increased risk for academic and adjustment problems (Simmons et al. 1987; Simpson and Fowler 1994; Tucker et al. 1998). Meanwhile, urbanization is altering family structure, with an increase in low-income, single-parent and female-headed families (Sukhbaatar 2014). As Mongolian society adapts to these new realities and with the busy parents, schools lack development programmes directed to the students’ Social and emotional development. This is the foundation SEE Learning™ came and aimed to much needed support. SEE Learning™ is the programme provides educators with the tools they need to foster the development of emotional, social, and ethical intelligence for students and themselves. SEE Learning™ represents the state of the art in education by enhancing SEL programming with key additional components, including: attention training; compassion and ethical discernment; systems thinking; resilience and trauma-informed practice With the aim to support social, emotional, and ethical development of the students, the SEEL program has started to be piloted at selected schools of Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia since September 2021. To assess the viability of the program at the schools of Mongolia, there is an indispensable need for developing monitoring study of the performance and achievements of the program. Thus, the monitoring study will provide vital information for the stakeholders to decide whether the program shall be included into the National educational program to ensure its further sustainability. Goal and Objectives The main goal of this project is to study the viability/feasibility of implementing the SEE Learning ® program in Mongolia. The objectives of the study include ● To study program within the following scopes: o To what extend the SEE Learning™ concepts and practices impacted on the students upon their engagement in the SEE Learning™ program o To understand the perspectives of educators as to their feasibility of implementing SEE Learning™ in the Mongolian context o To what extend the SEE Learning™ program impacts on the school environment o To what extend the SEEL Learning™ program impacts on parents’ satisfaction level and parents- children relationship o Extend of the fidelity of the SEEL program in Mongolia Outcomes We are predicting result of development or positive changes in the following areas: ● Social emotional state of students and educators of the secondary schools; ● School’s environment, culture, and climate, and educators’ practice and aptitude; ● Parents-children relationship; Also, we are expecting to gather information related to challenges and lessons, and overcoming them in the process of introducing the SEEL program in to practice. Ultimately, we are expecting much needed evidences and conclusions to prove efficacy of SEE Learning™ in Mongolia.
Abstract: This is 3rd paper in our series of work to develop lesson planning and implementation assessment rubrics. In this paper we developed lesson implementation rubrics, which was created within our previous series of work to develop lesson planning and implementation assessment rubrics. The first version of the rubric had 6 criterions with 13 descriptors. We have tested this version of the rubrics on 22 student teachers’ lessons and inter raters' reliability calculated. This version of the rubrics required to undergo improvement because, there were no descriptors within the range of very good correlation (0.91-1.00), only 3 of the descriptors were within the good range of correlation (0.71-0.90). To improve the rubrics, we presented our result at the professors’ seminar and planned further steps. First, we revised our rubrics based on the results and developed the 2nd version with 8 criterions with 13 descriptors. And based on 3 experts’ comments further revisions were made. Next, we tested our second version again on the previous 22 student teachers’ lessons by 3 of the previous raters. Almost all of our descriptors’ correlations were improved, and are within the acceptable range. 2 descriptors have very good, 5 descriptors have good, 5 descriptors have medium, and only 1 descriptor have poor inter-raters’ correlation coefficiency now. Only 2 descriptors have decreased inter-raters' correlation coefficiency and we are explaining this related to TV lesson analysis method.
Abstract: Culture should be seen as continuum from teacher education program to the classrooms (Lipka, 1991). On the one hand, Teacher education programs will provide latest theoretical and methodical PCK to the students. On the other hand, they should try to prepare students as grounded culturally as possible, since teaching is a cultural activity (Stigler & W. Hiebert, 1999) (Moll & Arnot-Hopffer, 2005). Rueda R. et al. suggested to help bridge gap between teacher education and the K-12 system, all teachers should teach culturally without regard to student characteristics. And all teachers should learn how to “teach culturally” rather than teaching “about” culture (Rueda & Stillman, 2012). Therefore, we conducted a study to explore cultural aspect of high school mathematics lesson in Mongolia from the perspective of Japanese educators. We’ve found some culturally odd aspects of Mongolian lesson by the Japanese educators point of view such as Lesson structure; Teaching methods; Teacher’s communication with the classroom, verbal and body language; Assessments during lesson; Cultural features in the students’ behavior. As the main objective of our research was to explore cultural aspect of high school mathematics lesson in Mongolia from the perspective of Japanese educators. As we analyzed and discussed the lesson, there were several key points may have further research interest. Based on these points, we should raise the teachers’ awareness about cultural differences of Mongolian lesson and it’ll give them some starting point to reflect and improve their lesson. Also, the future researchers now could build framework to assess and improve Mongolian lessons using these points. We also giving high importance of Integrating cultural perspective in to teacher education programmes.
Mongolian education sector policy has seen changes at every turn since 1990’s social and political system’s change. Easiest fact for this argument is, Mongolian education law went through 26 amendments since it’s adoption in 2002. Unfortunately, we see many of the changes are due to political agenda rather than research based rational decisions, and it is getting more frequent and drastic. If we don’t learn from this history, and describe what was the historical and political factors behind major policy changes based on the evidences, situation could further worsen. Mongolia emerged as an independent republic in 1990 after more than 60 years of Soviet control. No matter how hard the transitioning experience was, Mongolia chose democracy without any regrets like many other post communist countries. In fact, there are many similarities between these countries' education policy development torments. We utilized Comparative Institutional Analysis (CIA) as our theoretical framework. CIA was originally developed to interrogate the neo-classical framework of mainstream economics, which seeks a singular equilibrium and, therefore, judges different patterns of economic practice as underdeveloped exceptionalities. Mongolian teacher education policy has been going through 4 sub developmental stages as institutional players and stakeholders emerge. Evidently, politicization in the education sector has been increasing as resources and players increase. These politicizations could be seen clearly in the amendments in the Law of Education.
School climate measures are important tools that assist educators in evaluating the “norms, values, and expectations that support people feeling socially, emotionally and physically safe” (National School Climate Council, 2007, p. 4). Positive school climate is associated with academic performance indicators such as grade point average, achievement-related markers such as school satisfaction and identification, and student mental health and psychosocial outcomes. In Mongolia, no school climate measures have been developed or translated and evaluated for use in Mongolian schools. We adapted and validated of the What’s Happening in This School (WHITS), a self-report measure for secondary schools, for use in Mongolia. After conducting a thorough literature review, we selected, translated and administered the WHITS to 1,471 students in grades 8–12 at seven schools in three of the largest cities in Mongolia. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed a six-factor structure that includes 36 of the original 48 items. The adapted measure, WHITS-Mongolia, is reliable and valid for use in Mongolian secondary schools. This study underscores the importance of evaluating the utility and validity of specific measures within a country.
This study develops a model of climate change behavioral intention with nomadic herders in Mongolia. Climate change is creating formidable hardship by degrading pastures and fragile ecosystems that nomadic herders rely on for survival and by increasing the frequency of extreme weather threats. The model considers the relationships among resource loss, stress, coping and social support, posttraumatic growth, climate change knowledge, norms, and risk perceptions with climate change behavioral intention. The participants were 287 (141 men, 146 women) nomadic herders (age: M = 41, SD = 13) in remote regions of the Gobi desert and mountainous areas in western Mongolia. They completed standardized measures. The structural equation model shows two pathways to climate change behavioral intentions: (1) community norms concerning climate change actions are directly associated with climate change behavioral intentions, and (2) resource loss, biospheric and altruistic values, and climate change knowledge were associated with positive stress response, which was associated with climate change risk perceptions. Risk perceptions were associated with behavioral intentions. The findings support and extend a model of behavioral adaptation developed by the authors in the South Pacific. Implications of the findings are discussed.
Abstracts: Lesson study team at the National University of Mongolia explored possibility to assess lesson plans objectively with this research. To achieve the research goal, our team chose and developed a rubric with 14 criteria and 4 scales, and tested it on 22 high school mathematics and science lessons independently. We tested the rubric’s interrater reliability with the Pearson’s correlation and the results showed that most of the rubric criteria in the lesson planning showed good reliability from at least two evaluators. Therefore, we conclude that it is possible to assess the lesson planning objectively with this tool. However, the results have shown that some criteria, such as those corresponding to content knowledge, are less reliable. Therefore, we are developing the rubric further with the next study.
English has been increasingly used for global communication purposes, and educational systems in many countries have responded by prioritizing English language education over teaching and learning of other foreign languages. In Mongolia, the growing popularity of English resulted in the nationwide programmes on English Language Education that required skilled English language teachers to engage students in meaningful language learning opportunities. To date, no empirical studies on the impact of the new English language curriculum on Mongolian secondary teachers’ beliefs and practices have been reported in the literature. This study aims to address this gap by exploring secondary school teachers’ perceptions about the successes and challenges of teaching a global language in a local context. The findings suggest that Mongolian public school teachers face multiple challenges, including frequent curriculum and textbook changes, large class sizes, inadequate facilities and insufficient resources. At the same time, the findings of this study shed light on positive developments in the field of secondary EFL teaching in Mongolia. It is hoped that this study will inform policymakers and other stakeholders about on-the-ground understandings and implementation of educational reforms, as well as provide English teachers in similar contexts with strategies required to maintain effective EFL teaching practices.
Climate change in Mongolia is altering precipitation patterns, contributing to shortages of water and the melting of glaciers, and degrading pastures that nomadic herders rely on for survival (Batima, 2006; United Nations, 2019). Air temperature in Mongolia has increased more than 2 degrees Celsius between 1940-2015, or three times higher than the average increase on Earth (United Nations Development Programme, 2019). Dzud—unusually heavy snowfall and cold waves—has increased in severity and frequency. Dzud is threatening the survival of livestock and is creating unprecedented hardships for nomadic herders (Denyer, 2018). In 2009 and 2010, more than 8 million livestock died—20% of the country’s livestock—as a result of severe dzud conditions. Extreme weather and other disasters associated with climate change are predicted to increase in frequency (Batima, 2006; Ministry, 2015). This paper presents one of the first studies in Mongolia to develop a model of climate change risk perception and behavioral adaptation among nomadic herders. The study examines how resource loss as a result of extreme weather associated with climate change, stress, coping, resilience, community norms and knowledge about climate change, and personal values influence climate change risk perceptions and behavioral intention to take action to prevent climate change. The participants were 287 persons in the Bayan-Olgii and Omnogobi provinces of Mongolia (141 men, 146 women; age: M = 41, range: 18-89 years) who were living in the countryside or who had been displaced to the city due to hardship. They completed standardized measures assessing experience with environmental conditions linked with climate change, resource loss, stress, coping, resilience, community norms and knowledge about climate change, personal values, and climate change risk perceptions and behavioral adaptation. Structural equation modeling showed two paths to climate change behavioral adaptation. In one path, climate change behavioral adaption was directly influenced by community norms regarding climate change. In a second path, behavioral adaptation was influenced by loss of resources as a result of extreme weather associated with climate change, personal values (i.e., concern about Earth's natural environment and concern about the well-being of others), knowledge about climate change, and resilience. The findings support conservation of resources stress theory and extend prior work. Implications of the findings for nomadic herders, educational campaigns, culture and norms, and future research directions are discussed.
The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of assessing lesson plans objectively. To achieve the purpose of the study, a rubric was created. The rubric consists of 14 criteria with 4 ranges of performance and 24 descriptors. These include lesson goals development (2 descriptors), content planning (1 descriptor), students prior knowledge determination (1 descriptor), teaching material planning (3 descriptors), teaching method planning (1 descriptor), organization planning (1 descriptor), students motivation planning (1 descriptor), new content development (3 descriptors), guided practice plan (3 descriptors), independent practice plan (3 descriptors), conclusion plan (2 descriptors), differentiated learning plan (1 descriptor), formative assessment plan (1 descriptor) and technical requirements (1 descriptor). The performance ranges are defined as 3-good, 2-medium, 1-poor and 0-no things. Four evaluators used the rubric and independently assessed 22 lesson plans developed by secondary school mathematics and science teachers. Raters have background as university teachers in mathematics (R1), physics (R2), chemistry (R3) and pedagogy (R4). The interrater reliability of the rubric was tested by intraclass correlation. The results showed that most of the rubric descriptors in the lesson planning were medium and good reliability for at least three evaluators. Therefore, we can conclude that it is possible to assess the lesson planning objectively. However, the results have shown that some criteria, such as those corresponding to content knowledge, are less reliable. So, it is necessary to develop this rubric in the next study. Keywords: instructional design, instructional planning, teachers’ instructional planning skills
No one would argue about the importance of teacher professions in the 21st century society. But on the other hand, it is a bit rough time to be a teacher. Teaching profession is in constant disturbance by the ever changing concepts and structures of education, often caused by political, economical and cultural dynamics, putting pressure on programmes. Therefore, we looked in to the issue of teacher education programme entrants quality. Mongolia has around 29.0 thousand teachers in 778 primary and secondary schools (Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Sport, 2018), creates demand of 2500-3000 new teachers every year. By it’s Strategic goals (National University of Mongolia, 2018), National University of Mongolia is striving to prepare a few but quality teachers. Evaluating the quality of teacher education programmes’ entrants periodically is necessity to control and improve the quality of the graduates. We analyzed last 4 years’ 8 teacher education programme entrants data and made descriptive analysis. It covered 592 samples. We aimed to determine programme demand by looking at the programmes’ entrants’ numbers. 3 programmes of Humanities sector and Teacher, Mathematical Education programme are reaching their quota of approved students number. On the other hand, 4 programmes of Natural Sciences Sector are far behind to their quota. Furthermore, we investigated Major choosing score of the programmes to determine the entrant’s quality. Again, the 3 programmes of Humanities sector and Teacher, Mathematical Education programme are above the average (78.2, 72.5, 71.2, 73.3), which is 68.96 (n=1107, St.Dev=14.9) (Amarzaya, Tumenbayar, & Munkhbat, 2019). Which leads to our main conclusion, teacher education programmes of Mongolian Literature and Education, Foreign Language, Social Education and Mathematics are in high demand and recruiting below average quality students. Other programmes are having difficulties with the students’ quality. These programmes are being STEM is calling an attention. Therefore, we need to take actions to improve the image of these teacher education programmes at our university with steps such as informing the students and making special scholarships available.
School climate is a broad construct that has been described by Cohen, McCabe, Michelli and Pickeral (2009) as, “the quality and character of school life” (p. 182). Many complex factors combine to form the quality and character of a school including interpersonal relationships, structural features of the building, rules and discipline practices, perception of physical and emotional safety, and instructional quality (Cocorada, Cazan, & Orzea, 2018; Ramelow, Currie, & Felder-Puig, 2015; Wang & Degol, 2016). Together these factors create an atmosphere in which students, teachers, and parents experience a varying sense of safety, respect and comfort (Aldridge and Ala’l, 2013). The study of climate is important because when a school is experienced as welcoming, supportive and safe, research has shown that students tend to complete secondary school (Bond, et al., 2007) and perform better academically (Esposito, 1999; Lubienski, Lubienski, & Crane, 2008). Further, a comprehensive review of student outcome studies by Wang and Degol (2016), revealed that school climate is a strong predictor of emotional and behavioral outcomes.
Mongolia is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world due to its size. Almost half of the population lives in rural areas, mostly as nomads. At the same time, the Mongolian economy needs qualified specialists. For example, there is currently a shortage of around 40,000 skilled workers in the raw materials sector. The Mongolian VET system is currently unable to meet this demand. A major reason for this is certainly the lack of vocational orientation among school leavers and the inadequate provision of professional career guidance and information. In addition, counsellors often lack the necessary qualifications. The National University of Mongolia (NUM) has recognised this need for action. Since 2017 a Master's programme in Career Studies – since 2018 also in distance learning format – has been implemented. Yearly, up to 30 students with work experience in related fields are qualified as career counsellors. The distance learning programme is mainly used by students from the rural regions of Mongolia. After completing their studies, graduates can offer professional counselling services in their provinces. In this way, vocational guidance and counselling will also be disseminated in the rural regions of Mongolia. The distance learning programme can serve as good practice for other countries that are in the process of transformation. The programme thus forms the basis for future development projects, e. g. capacity building in career guidance in the international higher education sector.
Planning may well include the most important decisions teachers make because it is the phase upon which all other decisions rest. Good planning sets the stage for good teaching, which in turn fosters optimal learning. Teachers who know how to plan know precisely what they want to accomplish—or more exactly, what they want their students to accomplish. Poor planning results in no one, including the teacher, having a clear understanding of what is to be accomplished. Effective instruction starts with an organized instructional plan. This presentation reports the findings of a study that investigated student teachers’ decision-making skills for making their lesson planning and the consistency of student teachers’ lesson planning and implementation. According to the results of the analysis, 8 lesson plans are direct instruction models, 3 lesson plans are inquiry models and 3 lesson plans are concept attainment model. The results of the comparative analysis show that the lessons planned by the direct instruction model were implemented according to the plan, but for other designs they does not match the plan. Most of the lessons planned by other models (not direct) were conducted as direct instruction. This may be due to the poor ability of student teachers to implement indirectly planned lessons. Key words: decision-making skills, lesson planning, lesson implementation