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 /  Бидний тухай  /  Багш ажилтан /  Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): Э.Алтанболд, Х.Уламбадрах, Y.Bae Seong, Г.Юмчмаа, Л.Динжун, Г.Бямбабаяр
"Geomorphological study of the origin of Mongolian Altai Mountains Lake depressions: implications for the relationships between tectonic and glacial processes" Mongolian Geoscientist, vol. 29, no. 58, pp. 1-18, 2024-3-27


The lake depressions in the Mongolian Altai Mountains, and the issues related to their formation have yet to be thoroughly examined in previous research. Previous studies primarily focused on the paleogeographical evolution and glaciation dynamics of the Altai Mountains. This study presents relationships between tectonic and glacial processes that have formed the lake depressions, such as Khoton, Khurgan, Dayan, Khar (western), and Khar (eastern) in the Mongolian Altai Mountains. The depressions of Khoton, Khurgan, and Dayan lakes are situated along regional fault zones, extending in an nortwest -southeast direction, forming intermontane depressions directly connected to the Mongolian Altai Mountains. However, the depressions of Dayan, Khar (western), and Khar (eastern) lakes have been dammed by moraine deposits in the near portion of the depression. The compliance matrix of tectonic geomorphological criteria indicates that the Khoton, Khurgan, Dayan Lake, and Khar (western) Lake depressions are more than 50% compatible. Similarly, the compliance matrix for glacial geomorphological criteria indicates more than 60% compliance for all lake depressions. The Mongolian Altai intermontane depressions are thus of tectonic origin, whereas the lakes have a glacial origin, resulting from dammed moraine sediments. The significance of this work lies in demonstrating how geomorphological research can be employed to provide a detailed understanding of the pattern of lake depressions.

Зохиогч(ид): Э.Алтанболд, L.Dingjun, R.Boldbayar, Г.Бямбабаяр, Y.Gansukh, B.Tsasanchimeg, Д.Сандэлгэр, Н.Одхүү, Д.Батсүрэн, G.Tuvshin, D.Batnyambuu
"Changes in morphometric parameters of lakes in different ecological zones of Mongolia: implications of climate change" Climate Research, vol. 92, pp. 79-95, 2024-3-14


The aim of this study was to determine the way recent climate change impacts the morphometric changes in lakes in various ecological zones of Mongolia. We studied 4 lakes located between 48 and 50°N as representative of other environmental zones of Mongolia and determined the correlation between climate variables and changes in the area, depth, and volume of these lakes. To analyze changes in the morphometric parameter variation in the lakes, we used the normalized difference water index, trend analysis, aridity index, and statistical analysis. According to our calculations, the area, depth, and volume of the lakes have decreased during the last 30 yr. Trend analysis showed that the average air temperature has significantly increased since 2000. Furthermore, the morphometric parameters (area, volume) of lakes decreased for all studied lakes, with R2 = 0.023 to 0.457. This study shows that ongoing climate warming in Mongolia has increased intensively since 2000, which is directly affecting the morphometric parameters of the lakes by reducing their area and volume. The calculation of the aridity index proved that the degree of dryness was intense in regions with high climate resources. The results presented in this article can help us understand the spatio-temporal patterns and causes of the morphometric changes in the lakes in relation to climate change in Mongolia.

Зохиогч(ид): Э.Алтанболд, Г.Бямбабаяр, М.Амгалан, Л.Динжун, Р.Болдбаяр, Г.Цолмонбаяр, Я.Гансүх
"Implication of climate change on the volume of lakes in the forest-steppe zone, Central Mongolia" Газарзүйн Асуудлууд / Geographical Issues, vol. 24, no. 01, pp. 15-32, 2024-2-8


The two large lakes in the center of Mongolia, located between the Khangay mountain ranges and branch ranges, are the sites of environmental changes affected by recent climate change. There is scarce research in Mongolia that examines and evaluates how climate change affects major tourism destinations that are part of the forest-steppe region with an abundance of climate resources. In this study, Trend analysis, Statistical analysis methods, and Water Normalized index (NDWI) were used. The results indicated that, in the area of Ulaagchiny Khar Lake, Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake, evaporation increased when the Mann-Kendall value of the average air temperature trend increased by Z=2.61 and Z=0.90, respectively. Precipitation decreased Z=-0.65 or sharply in the vicinity of Ulaagchiny Khar Lake, and the average air temperature increased, resulting in a sharp decrease in the volume of the lake y=-0.0067x+0.5307 R²=0.6957. But by time's periodicity, the water's volume increased from 1993-1999 before abruptly declining after that. However, precipitation Z=2.72 trend increased near Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake, while the lake's volume slightly decreased y=-0.0003x+0.3702 R²=0.0341, which is associated with an increase in air temperature. In terms of time, the volume of the lake around the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake fluctuates according to the average annual temperature and precipitation. Given that the research region is located in the zone of permafrost discontinuous and continuous, probably, the recent permafrost loss has indirectly impacted the lakes' volume. It was determined that the decreased changes in the volume of these lakes are expected to increase in the future. This research may be used as a model to predict future environmental concerns caused by decreased water volume as a result of present climate change in lakes in semi-arid and dry climates.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Бямбабаяр, Э.Алтанболд
"Characteristics of the Soil and Land Surface of the Study Area for the Yellow Dust Storm Mitigation Experiment and Field Monitoring process", Silk Road International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application, БНХАУ, 2023-12-10, vol. 1, pp. 11-12


This study presents dust event spatiotemporal distribution and regional trends, and the impact of surface wind and precipitation on dust occurrences in Mongolia. We used data collected between 2000 and 2013 from 113 meteorological stations in natural forest steppe, steppe, Gobi Desert, and mountain zones. We analyzed the relationship between dusty days, derived using the sum of days with dust storms and/ or drifting dust, and days with strong winds (at a threshold wind speed of a constant 6.5 m s-1, hereafter, strong wind days) and precipitation by comparing the dusty days in dust-frequent years, dust-less years, and dust-mean years. Dusty days in dust-frequent years were associated with strong wind days when the precipitation is about 10 mm and dust occurrences were suppressed by large amounts of precipitation (approximately 22 mm) in dust-less years over the southeastern part of the Gobi Desert in May.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Сайнбуян, В.Батцэнгэл, Г.Бямбахүү, Д.Ганпүрэв, В.Батбаяр, Ч.Наранцэцэг, Э.Алтанболд, Г.Бямбабаяр, Б.Нямдаваа
"Estimation of the burned area with severity and its influencing factors for wildfire using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery /Ой, хээрийн түймрийн шатсан талбай, түүний шаталтын зэрэглэлд нөлөөлөх хүчин зүйлсийн хамаарлын судалгаа/" Газарзүйн Асуудлууд / Geographical Issues, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 22-36, 2023-2-24


Дэлхий дахинаа байгаль, нийгэмцаашлаад нийгэм-эдийн засагт асар их хохирол үзүүлж байдаг олон янзын байгалийн гамшиг тохиолддог бөгөөд тэдгээрийн нэг нь ой,хээрийн түймэр юм.Байгалийн гамшигт үзэгдэл, байгалийн нөөцийн судалгаанд зайнаас тандан судалгааны аргыг өргөн ашиглаж, хяналт, мониторинг хийж байна. Ой,хээрийн түймрийн голомтыг цаг тухайд нь зөв тооцоолох нь түймрийн дараах менежмент, шийдвэр гаргахад онцгой ач холбогдолтой. Энэхүү судалгаагаар Европын Сансар Судлалын Агентлагийн(ESA) ‘Sentinel-2’хиймэл дагуулын зургийг ашиглан Дорнод аймгийн Баян-Уулболон Баяндун сумдын нутагт гарсан ой,хээрийн түймэрт өртсөн талбайг тооцоолох, шатсан талбарын зэрэглэлийг тогтоох,хүчин зүйлүүдтэй харьцуулан тодорхойлохявдал юм. Судалгаанд нормчилсон шаталтын харьцаа буюу ‘NBR’, ‘NBR+’ индексүүдийг түймэр гарахын өмнө болон дараах хиймэл дагуулын зурагт суурилан тооцоолон гаргасан. Нийт 58,131.6 га талбай түймэрт өртсөнбөгөөдтухайн шатсан талбайгАНУ-ын Геологийн албанаас санал болгосон шаталтын зэрэглэлийн ангиллаартооцоход шаталтын бага зэрэглэлтэй 15,423.7 га буюу 26.3%, дундаас доогуурзэрэглэлтэй 29,529.4 га буюу 50.4%, дундааж дээгүүрзэрэглэлтэй 13,160.2 га буюу 22.5%, өндөрзэрэглэлтэй 18.3га буюу 0.03%-ийг эзэлж байна.Нийт шатсан талбайн 7,181.5 га буюу 12.4%-ийг ойн талбайн эзэлж байна. Түймэрт өртсөн нийт талбайн 87.6% нь Монгол улсад, 12.4%нь ОХУ-ын нутагдэвсгэртбайна. Түймрийн шаталтын зэрэглэлднөлөөлж болох байгаль, газарзүйн 10 хүчин зүйлийг харьцуулан хамаарлыг Пирсоны корреляцийн коэффициентоор тооцоход 4 хүчин зүйл эерэг сул хамааралтай, 6 хүчин зүйл сул сөрөг хамааралтай гарсан. Түймрийн шаталтын зэрэглэлдбусад хүчин зүйлүүдээсээ хамгийн өндөрнөлөө үзүүлсэн хүчин зүйл ургамлын нормчилсон ялгаврын индекс‘NDVI’0.4 буюу сул эерэг хамааралтай байсан бол өндөршил 0.23 буюу хамаарал маш сул байна. Харин хур тунадас -0.22 буюу сөрөн сул хамааралтай байна.Түймрийн тархалтад салхи хүчтэй нөлөөлдөг хэдий ч түймрийн шаталттай харьцуулахад нөлөөлөөгүй сөрөг хамаарлыг үзүүлсэн байна.Энэ нь түймэр тархахад салхи нөлөөдөгч шатах материал удаан шатах нөхцөлд салхи эсрэг нөлөө үзүүлдэг нь харагдаж байна.Түймрийн дараа ургамлын төрөл, нөөц хомсдох, ургамлын бүтцэд өөрчлөлт орох, бэлчээрийн нөөц хомсдох, ховор амьтан ургамал устаж үгүй болох, ойн нөөц багасах, хүн болон мал амьтны амь эрсдэх,агаарыг их хэмжээгээр бохирдуулах зэрэг нийгэм-эдийн засагболонэкологид нөхөж баршгүй сөрөг үр дагавар гардаг учир түймрийн шаталт, тархалт, хамрах талбайг судалж, цаашид гарч болох эрсдэлийг тооцоолох, урьдчилсан сэргийлэх нөхцөлийг бүрдүүлэх юм.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Бямбабаяр
"Автозамын цэвдгийн судалгааны үр дүнгээс (Цагааннуур-Улаанбайшинт чиглэлийн автозамын жишээн дээр)" Монгол орны газарзүй-геоэкологи Сэтгүүл, vol. 43, pp. 144-155, 2022-12-29


Сүүлийн жилүүдэд манай улсын хатуу хучилттай авто замын сүлжээ эрчимтэйгээр тэлж байгаа хэдий ч цэвдэгтэй бүс нутагт зам барихдаа цэвдгийн нарийвчилсан судалгааг хийж, тухайн зурвас хэсгийн цэвдгийн шинж чанар, онцлогт тохирсон далангийн шийдлээр авто замыг төлөвлөж барьдаггүй нь эвдрэл, суулт ихтэй, насжилт багатай замуудыг нэмэгдүүлэх гол шалтгаан болоод байна. Иймд бид Монгол орны цэвдгийн үргэлжилсэн тархалттай бүс нутаг болох Баян-Өлгий аймгийн Ногооннуур сумын нутаг Цагааннуур тосгоноос ОХУ-тай хиллэдэг Улаанбайшинт хилийн боомт хүртэлх 25.8 км автозамын К13+600:K13+800, К14+360:K14+500, К15+160:K15+300 зурвас хэсгүүдийг сонгож цэвдгийн нарийвчилсан судалгааг хийсэн. Дээрх зурвас хэсгүүдийг сонгон авсан шалтгаан нь тухайн зурвас хэсгүүдийн замын даланг бэлтгэх явцад газрын гадаргад ажиглагдахуйц суулт, хэв гажилтууд үүссэн байсан. Энэхүү судалгаанд өндөр нарийвчлал бүхий геофизикийн цахилгаан хайгуул, өрөмдлөг, хөрс чулуулгийн дээжлэлт, цооногийн температур хэмжилт зэргийг хээрийн нөхцөлд хийж, лабораторийн нөхцөлд боловсруулсан. Судалгааны үр дүнгээр К13+600:K13+800, K14+360:K14+500, K15+160:K15+300 хэсгүүдэд замын далангийн суурийн хэсэгт ухалт хийсний дараа цэвдгийн гэсэлт ухмалын төв хэсэгт 1.5-3 метр явагдаад зогсохгүй ухмалын хоёр хажуу талд гэсэлт явагдсан байв. Тухайн гэсэлт явагдсан 1.5-3 метрийн гүнд агуулагдах мөсжилтийн хэмжээг 3 метрээс дооших гүний мөсжилтийн хэмжээтэй харьцуулж үзэхэд 3 дахин бага мөсжилттэй байсан нь дээрх гурван хэсэгт хамгаалах хоолойг суурилуулах шаардлага байгааг харуулж байна. Энэхүү хоолой нь дэлхийн цэвдэгтэй бүс нутагт замын даланг эвдрэлээс сэргийлэх зорилгоор өргөнөөр ашиглагддаг термосифон хоолой байж болно. Түлхүүр үгс: Цэвдэг, Термосифон, Замын далан, Цагааннуур-Улаанбайшинт

Зохиогч(ид): Э.Алтанболд, Х.Уламбадрах, Я.Гансүх, Г.Бямбабаяр, Г.Түвшин
"Implications for the relationships of Fault, Volcanic Activity, Lake Depression Formation: A case study of the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake Depression, Khangay Mountain", GIMAR - Geological Issues of Mongolia and Adjacent Regions (Монголын ба бүс нутгийн геологийн асуудлууд), 2022-10-21, vol. 5, pp. 123


Data on the origin and morphology of lake depressions in Mongolia are relatively poor, with 2% based on lake total studies. The morphological patterns of the lake depressions caused by volcanic activity have not been well studied in Mongolia. We present a result of existing reconstructions of lake depression development and changes in the hydrology system during the Khorgo volcanic activation and the Holocene environmental change. The morphometric analysis and field measurements indicate that the derivation of the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake depression and Khorgo volcano may have evolved from movement on a sinistral strike-slip fault, which is about 70 km long. The southern mountains and rivers were displaced from northwest to southeast along the Terkh Fault. The offset along Terkh Fault is 4.02-5.28 km in the depression of the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake. After movement, a wide valley of the Terkh River developed in the present landscape. The active Khorgo Volcano formed along the Khorgo Fault. The Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake is formed by blocked water from the Paleo-Terkh River after lava damming from the Khorgo Volcano. Our estimation area of the lava plateau was 30.4 km²; volume is consistent with 11.13 km³ of the lava plateau. Based on high-resolution satellite maps and field morphometric estimation is 22.1-51.2 m in thickness. The height of the terraces and lava plateau that show a Paleo-lake is about 2068 m above sea level. Paleo-lake area was about 195.7 km², which is calculated much larger than the modern Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake (60-62 km²) and Khuduu Lake (11-12 km²) using satellite maps. The water volume of the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake is 0.351 km³, and the volume of the Paleo-lake was 2.248 km³. Based on this volume indicator the paleo-lake was 6.4 times larger than the current lake. Changes in the water volume of Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake and the erosion of the Suman River canyon are inversely related. The main result indicates that the mountains moved along the sinistral strike-slip fault from the northwest to the southeast direction. We suggest that the Khorgo Volcano formed in a lithosphere along an extensional bend in the fault. The fault is related to the active tectonics of Asia, and may represent a distant effect of the India-Asia collision.

Зохиогч(ид): Э.Алтанболд, Б.Нямдаваа, Г.Юмчмаа, Д.Даваадорж, Г.Бямбабаяр
"МУИС-ийн физик газарзүйн салбарын голлох судалгааны чиглэл, хөгжлийн чиг хандлага", Монгол Улсын шинжлэх ухааны хөгжилд МУИС-ийн оруулсан хувь нэмэр: 80 жилийн босгон дээр, 2022-9-28, vol. 1, pp. 41-46


МУИС-ийн 80 жилийн босгон дээр шинжлэх ухааны салбар бүрийн хөгжлийн тоймыг тодруулах нь чухал юм. Энэ өгүүлэлд 1956 онд байгуулагдсан Газарзүйн тэнхимийн сургалт, судалгааны үндсэн хоёр чиглэлийн нэг болох физик газарзүйн салбарын эрдэм шинжилгээний ажлуудын хөгжлийг тоймыг нэгтгэлээ. Уг өгүүлэлд цаг хугацааны дарааллаар тухайн салбарт үр бүтээлтэй ажиллаж байсан болон ажиллаж буй эрдэмтэн, багш нарын судалгаа, шинжилгээний бүтээлүүдэд тойм шинжилгээ хийлээ. Монгол орны физик газарзүйн судалгааны үр дүнгүүд нь улсын нийгэм, эдийн засаг, байгаль орчин, хүн амд тодорхой үр нөлөө, ач тусаа үзүүлсээр ирсэн байна. Түүхэн хугацаанд МУИС-ийн физик газарзүйн салбарт 20 гаруй эрдэмтэн, багш нар ажиллаж энэ чиглэлээр сургалт, судалгааг хийжээ. Тухайн салбарын эрдэмтэн, багш нар физик газарзүйд суурилсан геоморфологи, хөрс судлал, ландшафт, палеогазарзүй, цаг уур ба уур амьсгал, хүрээлэн буй орчин судлалын дэд салбаруудыг түлхүү хөгжүүлсэн байна. 1990 оноос хойш Монгол орны нийгэм, улс төрийн нөхцөл өөрчлөгдсөнтэй уялдаж дэлхийн бусад орны судлаачид хамтран судалгаа хийх нөхцөл бүрдсэн байна. Энэ үеэс Оросоос гадна Герман, Япон, Хятад, Солонгосын судлаачид Монгол орны физик газарзүйн судалгаанд МУИС-ийн эрдэмтэн, багш нартай хамтарч салбар шинжлэх ухаанд тодорхой хувь нэмэр оруулжээ. Түүнчлэн физик газарзүйн судалгаанд орчин үеийн техник, технологийг чөлөөтэй ашиглах өргөн боломжууд бүрджээ.

Зохиогч(ид): Э.Алтанболд, Х.Уламбадрах, K.Timothy, C.Xi, Y.Gansukh, Г.Бямбабаяр, G.Tuvshin
"Morphodynamic development of the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake Depression, Central Mongolia: Implications for the relationships of Faulting, Volcanic Activity, and Lake Depression Formation " Journal of Mountain Science, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 2451-2468, 2022-9-24


Data on the origin and morphology of lake depressions caused by volcanism are scarce in Mongolia. Previous studies focused on climate change patterns based on Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake sediment. We present a result of existing reconstructions of lake depression development and changes in the hydrology system during the Khorgo volcanic activation and the Holocene environmental change. A depression of the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake is formed by a lava flow barrier from the Khorgo volcano. However, the Khorgo volcanic eruption and the lake depression that could shape a large lake have arisen instead from a fault. The morphometric analysis and field measurements indicate that the derivation of the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake depression and Khorgo volcano may have evolved from movement on a sinistral strike-slip fault, which is about 70 km long. The southern mountains and rivers were displaced from northwest to southeast along the Terkh Fault. The offset along Terkh Fault is 4.02–5.28 km in the depression of the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake. After movement, a wide valley of the Terkh River developed in the present landscape. The active Khorgo Volcano formed along the Khorgo Fault. The Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake is formed by blocked water from the Paleo-Terkh River after lava damming from the Khorgo Volcano. The initial paleo-lake area was about 195.7 km2, which was three times larger than the modern lake. The current water volume of the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake is 0.351 km3 while the volume of the paleo-lake was 2.248 km3. Based on this volume indicator the paleo-lake was 6.4 times larger than the current lake. Overflowing water from the lake depression formed the Suman River by a drying canyon through the lava plateau, but the canyon is along the Terkh Fault. Changes in the water volume of Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake and erosion of Suman River canyon are inversely related to each other. We present the morphometric relationships between the lava plateau of Khorgo Volcano and development of Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake depression.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Бямбабаяр, Д.Даваадорж, Г.Түвшин
"Автомашины дугуйн мөрөөр үүсэх хөрсний эвдрэл, доройтлын судалгааны үр дүн (Шороон замын жишээн дээр)" Газарзүйн Асуудлууд / Geographical Issues, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 76-91, 2022-3-10


According to the 2010 Desertification Map, 77.8 percent of Mongolia's territory is affected by desertification and land degradation, of which 35.3 percent are weak, 25.9 percent are moderate, 6.7 percent are strong, and 9.9 percent are very strong. (ADM, 2013). The effect of soil compaction is more pronounced in agriculture, especially in agricultural areas (Barnes, 1971). Soil compaction is a common or multifaceted process caused by human feet, cattle hooves, and car tire pressure (Lull, 1959). Most researchers have suggested that soil compaction is also caused by unpaved roads (Webb & Wilshire, 1978). This soil compaction, caused by unpaved roads, is a key condition for rapid soil erosion (Snyder, 1976); (Iverson, 1980). According to a 2015 study by the Institute of Geography and Geoecology, a total of 3 million hectares have been destroyed by vehicle tires. The purpose of this article is to show the impact of unpaved roads on soil erosion and degradation in different natural areas of Mongolia. Unpaved road vehicles put a lot of pressure on the soil and leaves tires on the road, which has a very negative effect on soil loss, compaction and further water-physical properties of the soil. As of 1997, 8000-12,000 km2 of vehicle trails have been affected by desertification in Mongolia, which is a major factor in field degradation in some areas (MOE, 1997B). Therefore, the intensive use of unpaved roads has become an ecological (soil) imbalance. In this study, we collected soil bulk density samples in 3 times each from soil cover in 3 different natural zones at depths of 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, and 10-15 cm, and measured the cross-section of unpaved roads, calculated the changes in their water-physical properties by laboratory methods and the amount of soil lost. As a result of the study, fine dust and loam from the unpaved road spread over a maximum of 30 km from the study area, covering an area of ​​100 km2, and the amount of soil lost per hectare in the forest-steppe zone was 196.97 tons. This is due to the fact that the soil cover is more compacted due to unpaved roads. The use of unpaved roads has a major negative impact on soil degradation in our country.

Зохиогч(ид): Э.Алтанболд, Х.Уламбадрах, Я.Гансүх, Г.Бямбабаяр, Г.Түвшин, Г.Юмчмаа, Э.Амаасүрэн
"Тэрхийн Цагаан нуурын хотгорын морфодинамик хөгжил" Газарзүйн Асуудлууд / Geographical Issues, vol. 2022 (22), no. 1, pp. 4-19, 2022-3-9


Data on the origin and morphology of lake depressions in Mongolia is poor and only 2 percent of total studies. The morphological patterns of the lake depressions caused by volcanic activity have not been well studied in Mongolia. The morphometric indicators of Khorgo volcanic lava plateau, its effect on the morphological changes of the lake depression, and the relationship between them are not studied in detail. The Khorgo volcanic lava is analyzed to clarify how it formed and compare it to the origin of the neighbouring Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake depression. This paper is defined the effect of Khorgo volcanic lava plateau on the origin of the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake depression, based on morphometric analysis, remote sensing and geological mapping. Also study is checked by field measurements as identifying fault lengths, locations and morphology. Upon the Khorgo volcano activation, the valley of the Terkh River was dammed by a lava plateau. Lava damming formed the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake depression, blocking the Terkh River valley. Another evidence is the age of the lava plateau and lake sediment. Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake area was three times larger than it is now (9000 years ago), comparing the terraces on the shoreline of the lake. The lake water outflows via the Suman River. The Suman River diversion has created a large canyon along fault. Changes in the water volume of Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake and the erosion of the Suman Gol canyon are inversely related. This study is concerned that the effect of the youngest volcano in Central Asia is achieved a role in the development of lake depression, and presents a basis for integrating morphometric analysis to define the main phases of volcanic activity and lake depression evolution. Current lake area and volume is under influences of climate and environmental changes and human activities.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баянжаргал, М.Нямхүү, Д.Даваадорж, Э.Алтанболд, Г.Бямбабаяр
"Геоморфологийн зураглалын орчин үеийн аргазүйн асуудалд" “Хүрэл Тогоот” Газарзүй-Геологийн салбарын залуу эрдэмтдийн эрдэм шинжилгээний бага хурлын эмхэтгэл, vol. 19, pp. 75-81, 2021-11-25


The geomorphological sciences study the internal processes of the globe (endogenous) and external (exogenous) forces, most of which are the geological-geological intermediate sciences that study modern processes of the earth’s surface, age, the structure of relief, landscape and its factors. Designing a particular template for geomorphological research and drawing morphometric images using GIS and Remote Sensing software is not only the way, therefore, which is a concept that has led to the emergence of a new geomorphological mapping system globally in recent years. It aims to create a new geomorphological mapping system that integrates modern and traditional geomorphological mapping with the development of the Geographic Information System. Geomorphological mapping is an independent research tool and is an advantage in the study and acquisition of the land surface.

Зохиогч(ид): Э.Алтанболд, Д.Сандэлгэр, Д.Батсүрэн, С.Эрдэнэсүх, Г.Бямбабаяр
"Гадаргын морфологийн онцлог, био цаг уурын нөхцөлөөс шалтгаалсан хүний цусны даралт ихсэлтийн асуудалд (Хүй Мандалын хөндийн жишээн дээр)" Монгол орны газарзүй ба геоэкологийн асуудал, vol. 41, pp. 68-78, 2021-2-5


Human biometeorology is experiencing a resurgence because of concerns about the impact of weather and climate on living organisms and the effects of human activities on the atmospheric environment. The primary location of the settlement area for the public of Batsumber town, Tuv province, is geographically surrounded by mountains along to the Khui Mandal valley. Thus, our research resulted in the principles of hypertension among the people caused by fluctuations of air pressure in this region by comparing bio-climatic parameters. Depending on the difference between the energy of relief in Khui Mandal valley, therefore mountain and valley breeze is formed and which is followed by prevailing airflow towards settlement area along the valley. Also, the bio-climatic condition is formed due to the increase in fluctuations of wind and air pressure caused by seasonal changes in the air mass. Such conditions have occurred for 44 % of total meteorological observations during a year. This research is focused on emphasizing the importance of the planning of the settlement area, the importance of geomorphology and climate conditions as the branch of the geography of health.

Зохиогч(ид): С.Эрдэнэсүх, Д.Батсүрэн, Д.Оюунбаатар, B.Wuxia, Y.Yuheng, Г.Бямбабаяр, G.Mohammed, A.Asaminew, G.Abel, Y.Denghua, Д.Сандэлгэр, W.Hao, Э.Алтанболд, W.Baisha, Q.Tianlin, W.Kun, G.Tuvshin
"Changes in Water Surface Area of the Lake in the Steppe Region of Mongolia: A Case Study of Ugii Nuur Lake, Central Mongolia" Water, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1470, 2020-5-21


The Ugii Nuur Lake is not only one of the small hydrologically closed lakes located in the Orkhon River Basin in Central Mongolia but also the most vulnerable area for global climate change. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impacts of recent global climate change on the water surface area. The data we analyzed were various measured hydro-meteorological variables of the lake basin and the lake surface area, which was estimated from Landsat series satellite data from 1986 to 2018. The methods we used were Mann-Kendall (MK), Innovative trend analysis method (ITAM), Sen’s slope estimator test, correlation, and regression analysis. The variation of lake water surface area has a strong positive correlation with the change of the lake water level (r = 0.95). The Mann-Kendall trend analysis has indicated that under a significant decrease in total annual precipitation (Z = −0.902) and inflow river discharge (Z = −5.392) and a considerable increase in total annual evaporation (Z = 4.385) and annual average air temperature (Z = 4.595), the surface area of the Ugii Nuur Lake has decreased sharply (Z = −6.021). The total annual evaporation (r = −0.64) and inflow river discharge (r = 0.67) were the essential hydro-meteorological factors affecting the surface area of the Ugii Nuur Lake. The lake surface area decreased by 13.5% in 2018 compared with 1986. In the near future, it is vital to conduct scientific studies considering the volume of lake water, groundwater, and the anthropogenic impact.

Зохиогч(ид): Э.Алтанболд, Х.Уламбадрах, Г.Бямбабаяр
"Morphology of Khorgo Volcano Crater in the Khangai Mountains in Central Mongolia" Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, vol. 60 (1), no. 1 (233), pp. 19-35, 2020-5-18


Cenozoic basalt, which is widespread in Mongolia, has been attracting the attention of Central Asian researchers since the beginning of the last century. This study identified the geomorphological shape of the Khorgo volcano. The main purpose of the study is to determine the origin and morphological form of Khorgo volcano, a key representative of Cenozoic volcanism. In general, there are several types of morphological forms associated with lava overflow, and it is important to determine which types are the most common and also to establish a link between them. Geomorphological studies in this area have not been conducted in Mongolia. Spatial improvement and morphometric methods satellite imagery had identified Khorgo volcanic faults. Khangai magmatism had thinned its crust to 45 km during the Tariat-Chuluut volcanic activity. It can be concluded that this was due to the thinning of the continental crust in the Khangai Mountains because of mantle plume. During this time, tectonic faults formed were formed, which had broken through the earth's crust. Part of this fault was formed in the vicinity of Khorgo Mountain from northwest to southeast, and lava flowed with the basic composition, which led to the formation of the current morphological form of Khorgo volcano. The lava flow was less than 45% silica and potassium-dominated, which blocked the Suman River valley and formed the present-day Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake. The morphometric analysis compared the morphology of a typical volcano, which showed that the mouth of the crater of the Khorgo volcano has a slope slanting about 45 degrees, it is about 100 meters in depth, with a diameter of about 500 meters. By comparing the basalt composition of the Khorgo volcano and its morphometric characteristics with other standard volcanoes, it has been determined that it is in the form of a lava dome.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Даваадорж, Г.Бямбабаяр, Э.Алтанболд, Ц.Батням
"ЛАНДШАФТ ЗУРАГЛАЛЫН АРГА ЗҮЙН АСУУДАЛ", Хүрэлтогоот, 2018-10-19, vol. 2018-01, pp. 7-11


ABSTRACT Landscape mapping studies have begun done progressively in the 1960s in Mongolia. In methodology of landscape mapping studies have been mostly illustrated in consider factors that related bio-climate and surface. In general, there are 42 maps in region, aimag and soum also 4 maps in Mongolian had been done. However, landscape mapping studies have been relatively reduced since the 1990s but another hand landscape classification and description issues have not been fully solved due to the methodology of the researcher. Thus, the medium scale landscape mapping study was represented by M-46 nomenclature. The following information and materials were used for this study because physical geographical components incorporate with in content of landscape map. Thematic layers include vegetation map 1:1 000 000. landscape map 1:3 000 000. soil пир 1:1 000 000 and MODIS vegetation products with low spatial resolution. Landsat H satellite imagery with medium spatial resolution data were used. Also. SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) with a resolution of 90 meters was used to elicit the terrain and morphogenetic properties of the surface. Classification of landscape type and sub type was draw out based on soil, vegetation, bio-climate factor and also surface morphogenetic type, to classify class and sub class followed the principle of principle of height hypsometric and established geological disruption.

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Энгийн хувилбар