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 /  Бидний тухай  /  Багш ажилтан /  Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): Э.Алтанболд, L.Dingjun, R.Boldbayar, Г.Бямбабаяр, Y.Gansukh, B.Tsasanchimeg, Д.Сандэлгэр, Н.Одхүү, Д.Батсүрэн, G.Tuvshin, D.Batnyambuu
"Changes in morphometric parameters of lakes in different ecological zones of Mongolia: implications of climate change" Climate Research, vol. 92, pp. 79-95, 2024-3-14


The aim of this study was to determine the way recent climate change impacts the morphometric changes in lakes in various ecological zones of Mongolia. We studied 4 lakes located between 48 and 50°N as representative of other environmental zones of Mongolia and determined the correlation between climate variables and changes in the area, depth, and volume of these lakes. To analyze changes in the morphometric parameter variation in the lakes, we used the normalized difference water index, trend analysis, aridity index, and statistical analysis. According to our calculations, the area, depth, and volume of the lakes have decreased during the last 30 yr. Trend analysis showed that the average air temperature has significantly increased since 2000. Furthermore, the morphometric parameters (area, volume) of lakes decreased for all studied lakes, with R2 = 0.023 to 0.457. This study shows that ongoing climate warming in Mongolia has increased intensively since 2000, which is directly affecting the morphometric parameters of the lakes by reducing their area and volume. The calculation of the aridity index proved that the degree of dryness was intense in regions with high climate resources. The results presented in this article can help us understand the spatio-temporal patterns and causes of the morphometric changes in the lakes in relation to climate change in Mongolia.

Зохиогч(ид): E.Ravdan, П.Энхжаргал, Н.Одхүү
"Алтайн өврийн зарим түүхэн газар нутгийн биетүүдийн байршил, нэрийн гарвал зүйн үүдэл", Олон улсын монголч эрдэмтний XII их хурал, Монгол, 2023-8-11, vol. 1, pp. 79-80


It is indisputable that the Altai Mountain Range has been a territory of diverse clans of Mongolia and the Turkish state. The proof of this incidence is clearly provided by the geographic names such as ALTAI, ALTAIN ÖLGÖS, ARAI, ULUG TAG, ULUG TAGIIN SOHOG USUN, HISHIL-BASHI NUUR, HUMSHINGIRIIN ÜRÜNGÜ, AND ERDISHIIN BUHDURMA UJUUR, written in the Secret History of the Mongols. (The locations and etymology of the names mentioned above are stated in the Geographic Name Studies of the Secret History of the Mongols by Ravdan E. (UB., 2020. Volume I)) in the current presentation, we are to focus on the locations and etymology of approximately ten ancient historical names which have been kept nowadays. Among them, the following names are going to be considered: Abduraki mountain, (-ridge, spring), Baijin mountain, (-ridge), Gaihansar mountain, (-ridge), Jiravai mountain, Olon Kurin river, Har Saadagyn Ih Mountain, Hulijaa mountain (-‘s valley), Choku mountain and Chudai bifurcation. The locations of these geographic features were defined on the basis of the 1:100 000 scales of the Mongolian map, ancient Turkish thesaurus, and bilingual and etymology dictionaries of Mongolian, Kazakh, Hirgis, Tataar, and Tuva languages.

Зохиогч(ид): Э.Алтанболд, Д.Батсүрэн, Х.Уламбадрах, Y.Gansukh, Б.Даариймаа, D.Sanchir, Г.Юмчмаа, Н.Одхүү, R.Gantulga, G.Mohammed


This study focuses on the impact of faults on the origin and depression morphology of Bayan Nuur in North-West Mongolia. The relationships of Nuur and faults have been studied using morphometric analysis, spatially-improved remote sensing and magnetic survey. According to the results, the main fault formed in the western part of the Bayan Nuur depression influenced the origin of the lake depression SW -NE oriented. The length of the Bayan Nuur main fault is 147.1 km; 4 lakes have been formed along this fault, of which, the Bayan Nuur is the largest one. This study suggests that the Bayan Nuur origin is different from that suggested by previous studies and we conclude that the depressions hosting lakes in Mongolia need to be further investigated. This study represents a new contribution to better understand both the origin of the depressions hosting the Mongolian lakes and the impact of neotectonic activity, through morphometric analysis integrated with remote sensing analysis and geophysical surveys.

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Одхүү
"Хүмүүний газарзүй /Бүлэг 3/", 2021-6-11
Зохиогч(ид): Д.Батсүрэн, Э.Алтанболд, Д.Сандэлгэр, Д.Дорлигжав, Н.Одхүү
"Нутаг дэвсгэрийн нэгжийн хил ба газарзүйн элемент хоорондын уялдаа" Газарзүйн Асуудлууд / Geographical Issues, vol. 2020 (20), pp. 4-18, 2021-2-5


Geographical taxon or this issue has been raised as an aspect of the study, as it hasn’t yet been conducted in Mongolia to determine the role of geographical elements and the relationship between them in the taxon boundaries of territorial units. The study was conducted on the example of the geographical boundaries of 21 provinces of Mongolia. The geographical boundaries of the territories are clearly depicted on the map, taking into account the geographical elements, but as of 2019, 19 out of 21 provinces in the country have large and small border disputes. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the geographical elements that differs in the territory boundaries of taxon in the 21 provinces of Mongolia. In the study, measurements were made on geographic mapping materials by identifying, measuring, and comparing different shapes of the boundary surface of the area according to morphometric measurements. The results were made with comparative analysis method. Geographical boundaries were based on the location of low mountains and hills, 44, 6% of the total border, 17% along the ridges and peaks of medium and high mountains, 11,5% along large and small rivers, and 9, 2% along steppe, 7,6% along the ridges and peaks of high mountains and ridges, and 5, 7% in each case, accounted for along the longitudinal line of the Geographic Grid System. There was lake, railways, lake channels, fault and roads cover 0.2-1.6% of the border length. This clearly shows that geographical elements play an important role in defining the boundaries of geographical areas. Detailed demarcation of territorial taxon by careful consideration of geographical elements is important for monitoring border disputes and territorial integrity.

Зохиогч(ид): Э.Алтанболд, П.Мягмарцэрэн, Д.Батсүрэн, Г.Юмчмаа, Н.Одхүү
"Монгол Бөхөн (Saiga Tatarica Mongolica)-г шинээр сонгож нутагшуулах газрын геоморфологийн судалгаа" Монгол орны газарзүй ба геоэкологийн асуудал, vol. 41, pp. 36-50, 2021-2-5


Conservation and the anew localization of Saiga Tatarica Mongolica is very important. The living environment for Saiga Tatarica Mongolica is divided into 3 priorities with the environmental modeling index made in Great Lakes depression, which is the main field, where saiga has dispersed. According to this index, if the area has a density value of 0369-1.00, it is considered as the most suitable area, if density value is 0.38-0.69, it is restricted suitable and if density value is less than 0.38, it is the suitable area. When evaluating the suitability of relocating saiga tatarica in Sukhait steppe, Tsetseg Lake depression, and Khungui River valley, which are selected with geomorphological work, I compared it with geomorphological feature and environmental modeling index of Great Lakes depression. Then I compared the results defined by the geographic information system (GIS) with field study materials and made prioritization of the suitability. When making prioritization of the suitability of the geomorphological research field, because main and selected field sizes are different, I prioritized by expressing each indicator for the most suitable, restricted suitable and suitable areas with percentage. As a result, the most suitable area covers 37.4%, the restricted suitable area is 35.2% and the suitable area is 27.4% in Tsetseg lake depression. The most suitable area covers 17.1%, restricted suitable area is 38.8% and suitable area is 44.1% in Khungui River, while the most suitable area covers 15.4%, restricted suitable area is 29.3% and suitable area is 55.3% in Sukhait basin, but in Ulaan Shal basin the most suitable area covers 10.2%, restricted suitable area is 22.4% and suitable area is 67.4%. I identified the restricting factors of the surface to be unsuitable in the selected research field and developed suitability criteria for the environment of Saiga Tatarica Mongolica.

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Одхүү, Э.Равдан
"Эх Горхин, Гүүн Горхин, Бараан хээр", Монголын Нууц Товчоон: Түүхэн газар нутгийн судалгаа, 2020-10-23, vol. ОУЭШБХ-ын эмхэтгэл, pp. 87-92


XIII зуунд Монголын их цэрэг байлдан дагуулалт хийж байх үедээ дандаа ялж яваагүй, ялагдаж байсан нь газар нутгийн нэрэнд үлдсэн байдаг

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Одхүү
"Монголын эзэнт гүрний үеийн анхны газрын зургууд хийгээд солонгос хэлэнд орсон монгол газар усны нэрийн тойм", Монгол, Солонгосын харилцааны түүх ба Зүүн Хойд Азийн хамтын ажиллагаа, Улаанбаатар ИХ сургуул, 2019-7-4, vol. 2019-7-4-5, pp. 95-98


Монголын эзэнт гүрний үеийн анхны газрын зургууд хийгээд солонгос хэлэнд орсон монгол газар усны нэрийн тойм

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Одхүү
"БАЙГАЛИЙН БАЯЛАГИЙН НЭР, БАЙРШИЛ НЬ ГАЗРЫН НЭРТЭЙ УЯЛДАА ШҮТЭЛЦЭЭТЭЙ БОЛОХ ТУХАЙ (Архангай аймгийн жишээн дээр)", International Symposium THE MONGOLS ON MAPS Historical and Cultural Studies on Mongolian Maps and Toponyms, 2018-6-12, vol. №2, pp. 22-34



Зохиогч(ид): Н.Одхүү, В.Батцэнгэл
"Газарзүй XI сурах бичиг", 2017-10-11

Сул хараатай иргэдэд
зориулсан хувилбар
Энгийн хувилбар