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Хураангуй: Шинжлэх ухааны танин мэдэхүйн чиглэл бүхий уг өгүүлэлд бодлого боловсруулалтын онолын загвар, хамрах хүрээний талаар товч авч үзсэн. Уг өгүүлэлд бодлогын шинжилгээний улс төрийн системийн хандлага, түүний мөн чанар, системийн хандлагын хязгаарлагдмал шинж ба шүүмжлэл, бодлогын шинжилгээний рационал хандлага, түүний мөн чанар, рационал шийдвэр гаргах хандлага, рационал хандлагын хязгаарлалтууд, бодлогын шинжилгээний инкрементал хандлага, түүний мөн чанар, инкрементал шийдвэр гаргах боломжууд, стратегийн бодлого боловсруулах, бодлогын шинжилгээний институционал хандлага, түүний мөн чанар, бодлого ба институц зэргийг товч тайлбарласан. Мөн бодлогын шинжилгээний “хогийн сав” загвар, түүний мөн чанар, шийдвэр гаргах анархи загвар, бодлогын судалгааны социал конструктив хандлага, социал конструктивизмын төрлүүд, социал конструктивист судалгаа, социал конструктивизмын бодлого боловсруулах үйл явц зэргийг авч үзсэн.
Within the framework of this research, the authors’ objective is summarize their analysis of Mongolian parliament, introduce the country’s political parties’ and their versions of constitutional governance, as well as the public opinions, and explain the advantages and disadvantages of parliamentary and presidential systems. With this respect, the authors provide explanations about the structure and organizational roles of the legislative, executive, and judicial powers on theoretical and practical backgrounds at the institutional and power levels, as the Mongolian parliament system is different from the classic parliament system. Because of state mechanism failures, more and more people are criticizing the current state structure, political system, and functioning of political institutions. In accordance with the social crisis deepening in Mongolia and demands of changes to the Constitution, competing political parties propose drafts of the Constitution. All political parties seem to have an interest in making some amendments, or entire changes, to the Constitution. This article features a combination of several different perspectives on Constitutional changes or amendments.
Introduction: In Mongolia, a single party control with strong communist ideology dominated in public administration sector prior to 1990s. In last three decades, Mongolian public administration has been reformed in three phases since the country shifted into a democratic governance and market economy. Though, politicking in public administration has increased more and more. A massive replacement of public servants has become a typical phenomenon in every government formation. As a result, public administration capacity is weakened, and merit system main principle has been superseded by political pressure of governing political party (with the elements of partisanship, nepotism. neopatrimonialism, patron-client system and etc.). Mongolian Civil Service Council (CSC) has defined to implement the provision of the newly adopted Public Service Law of 2017 as stated “to decrease political pressure and to implement a merit system in order to increase government capacity”. As analyzed a structure and functioning of CSC stated in above mentioned law, the authors have concluded that there is a very limited chance of eliminating the political pressure in current public service sector in Mongolia, and tried to explain its cause and consequences.
Нутгийн өөрөө удирдах ёс буюу нутгийн өөрөө удирдах байгууллагын тухай ойлголт маш эртний ойлголт бөгөөд хүн төрөлхтний түүхтэй салшгүй холбоотой юм. Нутгийн өөрөө удирдах байгууллагад тулгуурладаг “Өөрөө удирдах ёс гэсэн ойлголтыг Францын хувьсгалын үед төртэй харилцах нэгжийн бие даасан байдлыг тусган илэрхийлэхийн тулд анх удаа хэрэглэжээ. XIX зуунд нутгийн өөрөө удирдах ёсны онолын үндсийг А.Токвиль, Ф.Штейн, Р.Гнейст нарын зэрэг эрдэмтэд өөрсдийн бүтээлд тодорхой тусгаж байжээ. Тэд нутгийн өөрөө удирдах ёсны тухай онолыг үндсийг таван чиглэлд авч үзсэн байна.
Within the framework of this research, we have set an objective to display a short summary of the analysis on Mongolian parliament, a brief introduction of political parties’ versions of governance in constitution, and tendencies of public opinions as well as explaining the advantages and disadvantages of parliamentary and presidential systems.